Public version
1,453 Fees & Charges Show tree view
Year 2024/2025 |
Name |
Fee (excl. GST) |
Fee (incl. GST) |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | CORPORATE AND COMMUNITY SERVICES | Corporate Services | Customer Service and Administration | ||||
Photocopying – per A4 sheet (B&W) | $0.68 | $0.07 | $0.75 | |
Except where the photocopy is covered under a specific fee or charge, eg. Drainage Plan, Drainage Diagram, Sewer Location Plan.
Photocopying – per A3 sheet (B&W) | $1.91 | $0.19 | $2.10 | |
Photocopying – per A4 sheet (Colour) | $1.91 | $0.19 | $2.10 | |
Photocopying – per A3 sheet (Colour) | $4.55 | $0.45 | $5.00 | |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | CORPORATE AND COMMUNITY SERVICES | Financial Services | Miscellaneous Financial Services | ||||
Copy of Rates or Water Notice | $6.00 | $0.00 | $6.00 | |
Per notice. For requests of copies of rates or water notices with an issue date more than 12 months prior to the customer request. Documents to be supplied within 3 working days. |
Rating information search/administration fee | $61.00 | $0.00 | $61.00 | |
For requests for historical rating or water billing information exceeding 12 months in age from the date of the request, which could include (but not limited to) levy transaction data lists, payment receipt listings, copies of historical documentation, archive searches. Does not include providing copies of rates or water notices (covered by a separate fee). Documents to be supplied within 3 working days. Per hour, min $61.00. |
Address skip tracing fee | $36.00 | $0.00 | $36.00 | |
Charged if an initial search for a current address is not successful and Council incurs an external cost in attempting to locate a customer. Search usually triggered due to returned mail or debt recovery action. At cost, min $36.00. |
Certificate under Section 603 – Regular fee | $100.00 | $0.00 | $100.00 | |
Certificate under Section 603 – Urgency fee | $87.00 | $0.00 | $87.00 | |
Additional fee, same day service
Dishonoured Cheque fee | $27.00 | $0.00 | $27.00 | |
Per cheque
Direct Debit dishonour fee | $27.00 | $0.00 | $27.00 | |
Replacement Cheque fee | $52.73 | $5.27 | $58.00 | |
Per cheque
Credit Card merchant fee |
Council may impose a payment surcharge |
The surcharge will be calculated as a percentage of the transaction value and will not exceed the cost of Council accepting the payment in accordance with the Competition and Consumer Amendment (Payment Surcharges) Act 2016. The surcharge may vary between Council's various facilities and may be reviewed by Council at any time. Customers will be advised of the applicable surcharge rate at the point of sale. |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | CORPORATE AND COMMUNITY SERVICES | Information Services | Records Information | Formal Access Applications - Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 (GIPA) | ||||
Formal Application fee | $30.00 | $0.00 | $30.00 | |
Processing fee | $30.00 | $0.00 | $30.00 | |
Per hour
GIPA Internal Review application fee | $40.00 | $0.00 | $40.00 | |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | CORPORATE AND COMMUNITY SERVICES | Information Services | Records Information | Historical Building and Development Application Document Search | ||||
Historical Property Search requests for pre 2010 building and development application documents | $90.00 | $0.00 | $90.00 | |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | CORPORATE AND COMMUNITY SERVICES | Information Services | Records Information | Miscellaneous | ||||
Data extraction and production | $154.00 | $0.00 | $154.00 | |
Per hour, min charge $154.00
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | CORPORATE AND COMMUNITY SERVICES | Information Services | Subpoena for production of documents | ||||
Conduct fee | $227.00 | $0.00 | $227.00 | |
Hourly rate | $227.00 | $0.00 | $227.00 | |
Min fee 2 hours. Photocopying charges to apply as set out in the Customer Service and Administration section of these Fees and Charges.
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | CORPORATE AND COMMUNITY SERVICES | Information Services | Informal Access to Information - Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 (GIPA) | ||||
Search fee | $30.00 | $0.00 | $30.00 | |
Per hour, plus photocopying and postage. Byron Shire Council is regularly releasing mandatory proactive (open access) information on its website. This information is available free of charge. All other mandatory proactive (open access) information that is not available on Council’s website will be available to view free of charge. Please note that photocopying charges apply as set out in the Customer Service and Administration section of these Fees and Charges. Access to this information in any other way will be charged for as per s.6(3) of the GIPA Act with the following fees.
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | CORPORATE AND COMMUNITY SERVICES | Information Services | Subpoena to give evidence | ||||
Attendance fee | $227.00 | $0.00 | $227.00 | |
Per hour, plus other expenses at cost, including travel, accommodation, meals, etc
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | CORPORATE AND COMMUNITY SERVICES | Information Services | Geographic Information Systems (GIS) | ||||
GIS Consulting fee and/or provision of information requiring GIS | $227.00 | $0.00 | $227.00 | |
Per hour, min fee $227.00
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | CORPORATE AND COMMUNITY SERVICES | Information Services | Geographic Information Systems (GIS) | Sale of hard copy maps | ||||
A3 (colour) | $25.00 | $0.00 | $25.00 | |
A4 (colour) | $22.00 | $0.00 | $22.00 | |
A3 (black and white) | $22.00 | $0.00 | $22.00 | |
A4 (black and white) | $19.00 | $0.00 | $19.00 | |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | CORPORATE AND COMMUNITY SERVICES | Information Services | Geographic Information Systems (GIS) | Electronic map images | ||||
Independent of hard copy order | $17.00 | $0.00 | $17.00 | |
With hard copy order | $5.00 | $0.00 | $5.00 | |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | CORPORATE AND COMMUNITY SERVICES | Information Services | Geographic Information Systems (GIS) | Scanned - all sizes | ||||
Black and white and colour | $25.00 | $0.00 | $25.00 | |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | CORPORATE AND COMMUNITY SERVICES | Community Development | Bangalow A&I Hall (Standard rate) | ||||
Air conditioning | $13.64 | $1.36 | $15.00 | |
Per hour |
Lower Hall | $386.36 | $38.64 | $425.00 | |
Per day |
Upper Hall | $145.45 | $14.55 | $160.00 | |
Per day |
Air conditioning | $100.00 | $10.00 | $110.00 | |
Per day |
Whole Hall Per session / half day (4 hours) | $263.64 | $26.36 | $290.00 | |
Whole Hall Per day | $527.27 | $52.73 | $580.00 | |
Bond |
$450.00 to $3,200.00
At Committee's discretion
Balcony (premium seating) | $100.00 | $10.00 | $110.00 | |
Per day
Kitchen hire | $218.18 | $21.82 | $240.00 | |
Booking fee | $136.36 | $13.64 | $150.00 | |
Garbage removal | $172.73 | $17.27 | $190.00 | |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | CORPORATE AND COMMUNITY SERVICES | Community Development | Bangalow A&I Hall (Not for Profit rate) | ||||
Air conditioning | $13.64 | $1.36 | $15.00 | |
Per hour |
Upper Hall | $136.36 | $13.64 | $150.00 | |
Per day |
Air conditioning | $100.00 | $10.00 | $110.00 | |
Per day |
Whole Hall Per hour (up to 4 hours) | $40.91 | $4.09 | $45.00 | |
Whole Hall Per session / half day (4 hours) | $145.45 | $14.55 | $160.00 | |
Whole Hall Per day | $309.09 | $30.91 | $340.00 | |
Bond |
$450.00 to $3,200.00
At Committee's discretion
Balcony (premium seating) | $100.00 | $10.00 | $110.00 | |
Per day
Kitchen hire | $172.73 | $17.27 | $190.00 | |
Per day
Booking fee | $136.36 | $13.64 | $150.00 | |
Garbage removal | $172.73 | $17.27 | $190.00 | |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | CORPORATE AND COMMUNITY SERVICES | Community Development | Bangalow A&I Hall (Major commercial rate) | ||||
Air conditioning | $13.64 | $1.36 | $15.00 | |
per hour |
Air conditioning | $109.09 | $10.91 | $120.00 | |
Per day |
Whole hall Per day | $745.45 | $74.55 | $820.00 | |
Bond |
$450.00 to $3,200.00
At Committee's discretion
Balcony (premium seating) | $109.09 | $10.91 | $120.00 | |
Per day
Kitchen hire | $218.18 | $21.82 | $240.00 | |
Per day
Booking fee | $145.45 | $14.55 | $160.00 | |
Garbage removal | $172.73 | $17.27 | $190.00 | |
Bangalow Show | $1,590.91 | $159.09 | $1,750.00 | |
One week maximum, during annual Bangalow show
ADFAS | $159.09 | $15.91 | $175.00 | |
Per session |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | CORPORATE AND COMMUNITY SERVICES | Community Development | Bangalow A&I Hall (miscellaneous) | ||||
Council and/or Tweed Byron Local Emergency Management Committee (LEMC) |
Nil |
Use of the facility for emergency purposes such as disaster response and recovery. |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | CORPORATE AND COMMUNITY SERVICES | Community Development | Bangalow Parks Trust | ||||
Parking and other approved uses |
between $100.00 - $700.00
South of small arena, behind school.
Parking and other approved uses for A&I Hall events |
$150 to $550.00 |
The showground area west of the Scarrabelotti Ring can be used for car parking for major events in the A&I Hall. This rate is only for events booked at the A&I Hall. It does not provide exclusive use of that area or the showground.
Other uses may include but are not limited to: marquee set-up, skip bins for work on adjacent properties, temporary food vans and seating.
Stables | $9.09 | $0.91 | $10.00 | |
O'Meara Fields | $454.55 | $45.45 | $500.00 | |
Parking and other approved uses – western tree area | $409.09 | $40.91 | $450.00 | |
Parking and other approved uses – south of Main Arena to the creek |
$100 to $500 |
Empty bins | $254.55 | $25.46 | $280.01 | |
Per one empty
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | CORPORATE AND COMMUNITY SERVICES | Community Development | Bangalow Parks Trust | Main Arena | ||||
Stakeholders | $272.73 | $27.27 | $300.00 | |
Commercial enterprises | $545.45 | $54.55 | $600.00 | |
Commercial enterprises to contact Parks Trust in writing outlining event and negotiation for costs. Grounds must be left as found.
Bond | $500.00 | $0.00 | $500.00 | |
Returned after event
Rotunda | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | |
Per day
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | CORPORATE AND COMMUNITY SERVICES | Community Development | Bangalow Parks Trust | Small Arena | ||||
Per day | $500.00 | $50.00 | $550.00 | |
Commercial enterprises or Festivals to contact Parks Trust in writing outlining event and negotiation for costs
Bond | $500.00 | $0.00 | $500.00 | |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | CORPORATE AND COMMUNITY SERVICES | Community Development | Bangalow Parks Trust | Moller Pavillion | ||||
Weddings | $1,363.64 | $136.36 | $1,500.00 | |
Per event |
Not for Profit | $227.27 | $22.73 | $250.00 | |
Per day
Commercial / private / standard | $545.45 | $54.55 | $600.00 | |
Per day
Bond | $500.00 | $0.00 | $500.00 | |
Day | $25.00 | $2.50 | $27.50 | |
Per hour
Evening | $31.82 | $3.18 | $35.00 | |
From 6.00pm, per hour |
Verandah | $136.36 | $13.64 | $150.00 | |
Area east of Moller Pavillion | $136.36 | $13.64 | $150.00 | |
Area east of the Moller Pavillion to stables and rotunda (not including use of stables or rotunda), if hiring Moller Pavillion
Cleaning |
At cost
Min charge of $100.00 |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | CORPORATE AND COMMUNITY SERVICES | Community Development | Bangalow Parks Trust | Old Scout Hall | ||||
Not for Profit rate - per hour | $9.09 | $0.91 | $10.00 | |
Not for Profit rate - half day | $45.45 | $4.55 | $50.00 | |
Not for Profit rate - full day | $90.91 | $9.09 | $100.00 | |
Commercial rate - per hour | $18.18 | $1.82 | $20.00 | |
Commercial rate - full day | $136.36 | $13.64 | $150.00 | |
Commercial rate - night | $22.73 | $2.27 | $25.00 | |
From 6.00pm, per hour |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | CORPORATE AND COMMUNITY SERVICES | Community Development | Bangalow Parks Trust | Entire Showground | ||||
Per day, plus power |
$4,000 to $6,000 |
Power | $13.64 | $1.36 | $15.00 | |
Per day, per outlet
Bond | $1,500.00 | $0.00 | $1,500.00 | |
Hire of entire ground
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | CORPORATE AND COMMUNITY SERVICES | Community Development | Bangalow Parks Trust | Annual Fee for Stakeholders | ||||
Ground usage fees for stakeholders to be negotiated for each event |
$600.00 to $1,500.00
Summerland Dressage, Bangalow Pony Club, NHAG, Bangalow Polocross
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | CORPORATE AND COMMUNITY SERVICES | Community Development | Bangalow Parks Trust | Camping | ||||
Powered site | $36.36 | $3.64 | $40.00 | |
Tent site | $18.18 | $1.82 | $20.00 | |
Additional person | $4.55 | $0.45 | $5.00 | |
First person included in camping fee
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | CORPORATE AND COMMUNITY SERVICES | Community Development | Bangalow Parks Trust | Lions Kiosk | ||||
Full day (Not for Profit rate) | $300.00 | $30.00 | $330.00 | |
Half day (Not for Profit rate) | $200.00 | $20.00 | $220.00 | |
Half day (commercial rate) | $250.00 | $25.00 | $275.00 | |
Full day (commercial rate) | $400.00 | $40.00 | $440.00 | |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | CORPORATE AND COMMUNITY SERVICES | Community Development | Bangalow Parks Trust | Miscellaneous | ||||
Council and/or Tweed Byron Local Emergency Management Committee (LEMC) |
Nil |
Use of the facility for emergency purposes such as disaster response and recovery. |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | CORPORATE AND COMMUNITY SERVICES | Community Development | Brunswick Heads Memorial Hall | Hall | Not for Profit rate | ||||
Per hour | $24.55 | $2.45 | $27.00 | |
Up to 4 hours
Session - full day | $196.36 | $19.64 | $216.00 | |
4 to 8 hours |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | CORPORATE AND COMMUNITY SERVICES | Community Development | Brunswick Heads Memorial Hall | Hall | Regular rate | ||||
Session - full day | $253.63 | $25.36 | $279.00 | |
4 to 8 hours |
Per hour | $31.82 | $3.18 | $35.00 | |
Up to 4 hours, between 8.00am and 5.00pm
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | CORPORATE AND COMMUNITY SERVICES | Community Development | Brunswick Heads Memorial Hall | Hall | Casual rate | ||||
Late night fee (11.00pm to midnight) | $144.54 | $14.45 | $159.00 | |
Per hour.
Per hour | $39.09 | $3.91 | $43.00 | |
Up to 4 hours
Session - full day | $307.27 | $30.73 | $338.00 | |
4 to 8 hours |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | CORPORATE AND COMMUNITY SERVICES | Community Development | Brunswick Heads Memorial Hall | Kitchen | ||||
Not for Profit rate (per hour) | $20.00 | $2.00 | $22.00 | |
Min 2 hours |
Not for Profit rate (full day) | $115.45 | $11.55 | $127.00 | |
Over 4 hours |
Regular rate (per hour) | $24.55 | $2.45 | $27.00 | |
Min 2 hours |
Regular rate (full day) | $177.27 | $17.73 | $195.00 | |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | CORPORATE AND COMMUNITY SERVICES | Community Development | Brunswick Heads Memorial Hall | Other costs | ||||
Council and/or Tweed Byron Local Emergency Management Committee (LEMC) |
Nil |
Use of the facility for emergency purposes such as disaster response and recovery. |
Bond | $370.00 | $0.00 | $370.00 | |
Extraordinary cleaning | $48.18 | $4.82 | $53.00 | |
Per hour, includes removal of garbage
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | CORPORATE AND COMMUNITY SERVICES | Community Development | Byron Bay Marvell Hall (Standard rate) | ||||
Mackellar and kitchen | $30.00 | $3.00 | $33.00 | |
per hour |
Lawson and kitchen | $31.82 | $3.18 | $35.00 | |
Per hour |
Cleaning fee for hire of Oodgeroo package events | $72.73 | $7.27 | $80.00 | |
Childrens party rate | $45.45 | $4.55 | $50.00 | |
Per hour |
Dining Room (Mackellar Room) | $22.73 | $2.27 | $25.00 | |
Per hour, between 6.00am and 11.00pm |
Main Hall (Oodgeroo Room) | $33.64 | $3.36 | $37.00 | |
Per hour, between 6.00am and 11.00pm |
Meeting Room (Lawson Room) | $22.73 | $2.27 | $25.00 | |
Per hour, between 6.00am and 11.00pm |
Use of kitchen | $16.36 | $1.64 | $18.00 | |
Per hour |
Oodgeroo Package (Oodgeroo Room, Mackellar Room and Kitchen) | $54.55 | $5.45 | $60.00 | |
Per hour, tables and chairs included. Hirer responsible for set up and dismantling. |
Bond |
Between $200.00 and $500.00 at the discretion of the Committee |
Non return of key | $45.45 | $4.55 | $50.00 | |
After 24 hours
Call out fee | $31.82 | $3.18 | $35.00 | |
For unlocked windows/doors, fans and lights left on. Withdrawn from bond. |
Storage fee |
$12.00 per cupboard |
Per month |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | CORPORATE AND COMMUNITY SERVICES | Community Development | Byron Bay Marvell Hall (Not for Profit rate) | ||||
Lawson and kitchen | $27.27 | $2.73 | $30.00 | |
Per hour |
Oodgeroo Package - Oodgeroo Room, Mackellar room and kitchen | $50.00 | $5.00 | $55.00 | |
Per hour, tables and chairs included. Hirer responsible for set up and dismantling. |
Mackellar and kitchen | $27.28 | $2.73 | $30.00 | |
Per hour |
Childrens party rate | $45.45 | $4.55 | $50.00 | |
Per hour |
Cleaning fee for hire of Oodgeroo package events | $72.73 | $7.27 | $80.00 | |
Dining Room (Mackellar Room) | $19.09 | $1.91 | $21.00 | |
Per hour, between 6.00am and 11.00pm |
Main Hall (Oodgeroo Room) | $25.45 | $2.55 | $28.00 | |
Per hour, between 6.00am and 11.00pm |
Meeting Room (Lawson Room) | $18.18 | $1.82 | $20.00 | |
Per hour, between 6.00am and 11.00pm |
Use of Kitchen | $16.36 | $1.64 | $18.00 | |
Per hour |
Bond |
Between $200.00 and $500.00 at the discretion of the Committee
Non return of key | $45.45 | $4.55 | $50.00 | |
After 24 hours |
Call out fee | $31.82 | $3.18 | $35.00 | |
For unlocked windows/doors, fans and lights left on. Withdrawn from bond. |
Storage fee |
$10.00 per cupboard |
Per month |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | CORPORATE AND COMMUNITY SERVICES | Community Development | Byron Bay Marvell Hall (Regular user rate) | ||||
Oodgeroo Package - Oodgeroo Room, Mackellar room and kitchen | $50.00 | $5.00 | $55.00 | |
Per hour, tables and chairs included. Hirer responsible for set up and dismantling. |
Lawson and Kitchen | $27.27 | $2.73 | $30.00 | |
Per hour |
Childrens party rate | $45.45 | $4.55 | $50.00 | |
Per hour |
Mackellar and kitchen | $27.28 | $2.73 | $30.00 | |
Per hour |
Cleaning fee for hire of Oodgeroo package events | $72.73 | $7.27 | $80.00 | |
Dining Room (Mackellar Room) | $19.09 | $1.91 | $21.00 | |
Per hour, between 6.00am and 11.00pm |
Main Hall (Oodgeroo Room) | $25.45 | $2.55 | $28.00 | |
Per hour, between 6.00am and 11.00pm |
Meeting Room (Lawson Room) | $18.18 | $1.82 | $20.00 | |
Per hour, between 6.00am and 11.00pm |
Use of kitchen | $16.36 | $1.64 | $18.00 | |
Per hour |
Bond |
Between $200.00 and $500.00 at the discretion of the Committee
Non return of key | $45.45 | $4.55 | $50.00 | |
After 24 hours |
Call out fee | $31.82 | $3.18 | $35.00 | |
For unlocked windows/doors, fans and lights left on. Withdrawn from bond. |
Storage fee |
$12.00 per cupboard |
Per month |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | CORPORATE AND COMMUNITY SERVICES | Community Development | Byron Bay Marvell Hall Miscellaneous | ||||
Audio |
Per day. Audio and projector equipment, electric water kettles, urn, cutlery, crockery and hall accessories available on request. |
Cleaning fee | $54.55 | $5.45 | $60.00 | |
Per hour |
Council and/or Tweed Byron Local Emergency Management Committee (LEMC) |
Nil |
Use of the facility for emergency purposes such as disaster response and recovery. |
1 colour print of promotional flyer | $4.55 | $0.45 | $5.00 | |
Hire of rooms middle of day |
Not workshop hire. Charge at the discretion of the committee. |
Foyer for events and displays |
Between $10.00 and $105.00 per week for displays, per hour for events |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | CORPORATE AND COMMUNITY SERVICES | Community Development | Durrumbul Hall | ||||
Casual hire (<20 people) per hour | $13.64 | $1.36 | $15.00 | |
Casual hire (20-50 people) per hour | $27.27 | $2.73 | $30.00 | |
Casual hire (51-100 people) per hour | $40.91 | $4.09 | $45.00 | |
Cleaning | $90.91 | $9.09 | $100.00 | |
At Committee's discretion
Community group event | $363.64 | $36.36 | $400.00 | |
9am to close
Commercial event (<100 people) | $363.64 | $36.36 | $400.00 | |
9am to close |
Commercial event (>100 people) | $636.36 | $63.64 | $700.00 | |
9am to close
Bond – workshop | $100.00 | $0.00 | $100.00 | |
Bond – small community event | $250.00 | $0.00 | $250.00 | |
Bond – large community event | $500.00 | $0.00 | $500.00 | |
Bond - small commercial event | $500.00 | $0.00 | $500.00 | |
Bond – large commercial event | $1,000.00 | $0.00 | $1,000.00 | |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | CORPORATE AND COMMUNITY SERVICES | Community Development | Durrumbul Hall | Miscellaneous | ||||
Council and/or Tweed Byron Local Emergency Management Committee (LEMC) |
Nil |
Use of the facility for emergency purposes such as disaster response and recovery. |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | CORPORATE AND COMMUNITY SERVICES | Community Development | Mullumbimby Civic Memorial Hall (Standard rate) | ||||
Bump In / Rehearsals – full day | $236.36 | $23.64 | $260.00 | |
Cancellation fee | $54.55 | $5.45 | $60.00 | |
Bump In / Rehearsals – session | $190.91 | $19.09 | $210.00 | |
Kitchen only – full day | $90.91 | $9.09 | $100.00 | |
Kitchen only – session | $54.55 | $5.45 | $60.00 | |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | CORPORATE AND COMMUNITY SERVICES | Community Development | Mullumbimby Civic Memorial Hall (Standard rate) | Cleaning fee | ||||
Extra cleaning | $45.45 | $4.55 | $50.00 | |
Per hour
All bookings |
Between $35.00 and $120.00
To be determined by the Venue Coordinator. Charged as a flat rate.
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | CORPORATE AND COMMUNITY SERVICES | Community Development | Mullumbimby Civic Memorial Hall (Standard rate) | Equipment hire | ||||
Projector hire - full day | $36.36 | $3.64 | $40.00 | |
Projector hire - session | $27.27 | $2.73 | $30.00 | |
Audio hire - full day | $36.36 | $3.64 | $40.00 | |
Audio hire - session | $27.27 | $2.73 | $30.00 | |
Projector and audio hire - full day | $54.55 | $5.45 | $60.00 | |
Projector and audio hire - session | $45.45 | $4.55 | $50.00 | |
Technician for audio set up and operation | $50.00 | $5.00 | $55.00 | |
Per hour |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | CORPORATE AND COMMUNITY SERVICES | Community Development | Mullumbimby Civic Memorial Hall (Standard rate) | Entire Venue (Main Hall, Front Room, Kitchen) | ||||
Full day | $490.91 | $49.09 | $540.00 | |
Session | $318.18 | $31.82 | $350.00 | |
Per hour | $81.82 | $8.18 | $90.00 | |
Min 2 hours, max 4 hours
Exclusive use of courtyard | $45.45 | $4.55 | $50.00 | |
Per day. The courtyard space is managed by Mullumbimby and District Neighbourhood Centre and these funds are collected for maintenance and works required in the courtyard.
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | CORPORATE AND COMMUNITY SERVICES | Community Development | Mullumbimby Civic Memorial Hall (Standard rate) | Main Hall | ||||
Full day | $390.91 | $39.09 | $430.00 | |
Session | $272.73 | $27.27 | $300.00 | |
Per hour | $72.73 | $7.27 | $80.00 | |
Min 2 hours, max 4 hours
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | CORPORATE AND COMMUNITY SERVICES | Community Development | Mullumbimby Civic Memorial Hall (Standard rate) | Front Room | ||||
Front room for exhibitions - per day | $45.45 | $4.55 | $50.00 | |
This does not grant the hirer exclusive use of the front room. It grants permission for the hanging of artwork on the walls at the hirers own risk. |
Front room for exhibitions - per week | $181.82 | $18.18 | $200.00 | |
This does not grant the hirer exclusive use of the front room. It grants permission for the hanging of artwork on the walls at the hirers own risk. |
Full day | $136.37 | $13.64 | $150.00 | |
Session | $90.91 | $9.09 | $100.00 | |
Per hour | $22.73 | $2.27 | $25.00 | |
Min 2 hours, max 4 hours
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | CORPORATE AND COMMUNITY SERVICES | Community Development | Mullumbimby Civic Memorial Hall (Standard rate) | Bond | ||||
Bond |
Between $100.00 and $500.00 |
To be determined by the Venue Coordinator
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | CORPORATE AND COMMUNITY SERVICES | Community Development | Mullumbimby Civic Memorial Hall (Standard rate) | Hire discounts | ||||
More than 4 consecutive full days |
33% off total
4 consecutive full days |
30% off total
2 consecutive full days |
15% off total
Regular booking discount |
25% off total
Offered to regular class bookings of 6 weeks or longer
3 consecutive full days |
25% off total
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | CORPORATE AND COMMUNITY SERVICES | Community Development | Mullumbimby Civic Memorial Hall (Standard rate) | Use for local, state and federal elections | ||||
Main hall | $1,909.09 | $190.91 | $2,100.00 | |
Per week |
Entire venue | $2,409.09 | $240.91 | $2,650.00 | |
Per week |
Front room | $1,000.00 | $100.00 | $1,100.00 | |
Per week |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | CORPORATE AND COMMUNITY SERVICES | Community Development | Mullumbimby Civic Memorial Hall (Not for Profit rate) | ||||
Bump In / Rehearsals – session | $100.00 | $10.00 | $110.00 | |
Cancellation fee | $54.55 | $5.45 | $60.00 | |
Bump In / Rehearsals – full day | $200.00 | $20.00 | $220.00 | |
Kitchen only – full day | $59.09 | $5.91 | $65.00 | |
Kitchen only – session | $40.91 | $4.09 | $45.00 | |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | CORPORATE AND COMMUNITY SERVICES | Community Development | Mullumbimby Civic Memorial Hall (Not for Profit rate) | Cleaning fee | ||||
All bookings |
Between $35.00 and $110.00
To be determined by the Venue Coordinator. Charged as a flat rate.
Extra cleaning | $36.36 | $3.64 | $40.00 | |
Per hour
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | CORPORATE AND COMMUNITY SERVICES | Community Development | Mullumbimby Civic Memorial Hall (Not for Profit rate) | Equipment hire | ||||
Projector hire - full day | $27.27 | $2.73 | $30.00 | |
Projector hire - session | $18.18 | $1.82 | $20.00 | |
Audio hire - full day | $27.27 | $2.73 | $30.00 | |
Audio hire - session | $18.18 | $1.82 | $20.00 | |
Projector and audio hire - full day | $45.45 | $4.55 | $50.00 | |
Projector and audio hire - session | $27.27 | $2.73 | $30.00 | |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | CORPORATE AND COMMUNITY SERVICES | Community Development | Mullumbimby Civic Memorial Hall (Not for Profit rate) | Entire Venue (Main Hall, Front Room, Kitchen) | ||||
Full day | $345.45 | $34.55 | $380.00 | |
Session | $218.18 | $21.82 | $240.00 | |
Per hour | $50.00 | $5.00 | $55.00 | |
Min 2 hours, max 4 hours
Exclusive use of courtyard | $50.00 | $5.00 | $55.00 | |
Per day. The courtyard space is managed by Mullumbimby and District Neighbourhood Centre and these funds are collected for maintenance and works required in the courtyard.
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | CORPORATE AND COMMUNITY SERVICES | Community Development | Mullumbimby Civic Memorial Hall (Not for Profit rate) | Main Hall | ||||
Full day | $272.73 | $27.27 | $300.00 | |
Session | $204.55 | $20.45 | $225.00 | |
Per hour | $40.91 | $4.09 | $45.00 | |
Min 2 hours, max 4 hours
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | CORPORATE AND COMMUNITY SERVICES | Community Development | Mullumbimby Civic Memorial Hall (Not for Profit rate) | Front Room | ||||
Full day | $109.09 | $10.91 | $120.00 | |
Session | $72.73 | $7.27 | $80.00 | |
Per hour | $18.18 | $1.82 | $20.00 | |
Min 2 hours, max 4 hours
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | CORPORATE AND COMMUNITY SERVICES | Community Development | Mullumbimby Civic Memorial Hall (Not for Profit rate) | Bond | ||||
Bond |
Between $100.00 and $500.00 |
To be determined by the Venue Coordinator
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | CORPORATE AND COMMUNITY SERVICES | Community Development | Mullumbimby Civic Memorial Hall (Not for Profit rate) | Hire discounts | ||||
Regular booking discount |
25% off total
Offered to regular class bookings of 6 weeks or longer
2 consecutive full days |
15% off total
4 consecutive full days |
30% off total
3 consecutive full days |
25% off total
More than 4 consecutive full days |
33% off total
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | CORPORATE AND COMMUNITY SERVICES | Community Development | Mullumbimby Civic Hall (miscellaneous) | ||||
Council and/or Tweed Byron Local Emergency Management Committee (LEMC) |
Nil |
Use of the facility for emergency purposes such as disaster response and recovery. |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | CORPORATE AND COMMUNITY SERVICES | Community Development | Ocean Shores Community Centre (Recurring bookings) | ||||
Bond - hall |
Flat fee at the discretion of the committee. |
Hall – Functions, Workshops, Special events per hour | $45.46 | $4.55 | $50.00 | |
Full day
Bond |
Between $250.00 and $1,000.00 |
Per function, refundable after inspection, at the discretion of the Committee.
Key deposit | $50.00 | $0.00 | $50.00 | |
Refundable unless key returned late, ie. not immediately after event
Storage cupboard | $6.36 | $0.64 | $7.00 | |
Per week
Extraordinary cleaning |
At cost
Min charge $90.00, includes removal of garbage
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | CORPORATE AND COMMUNITY SERVICES | Community Development | Ocean Shores Community Centre (Recurring bookings) | Hall | ||||
Bond - Hall |
At the discretion of the committee
At the discretion of the committee. |
Day | $24.55 | $2.45 | $27.00 | |
Per hour, 8.00am to 5.00pm
Night | $31.82 | $3.18 | $35.00 | |
Per hour, 5.00pm to 11pm
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | CORPORATE AND COMMUNITY SERVICES | Community Development | Ocean Shores Community Centre (Recurring bookings) | Meeting Room 1 (Large) | ||||
Day | $18.18 | $1.82 | $20.00 | |
Per hour all day |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | CORPORATE AND COMMUNITY SERVICES | Community Development | Ocean Shores Community Centre (Recurring bookings) | Meeting Room 2 (Small) | ||||
Day | $14.55 | $1.45 | $16.00 | |
Per hour all day.
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | CORPORATE AND COMMUNITY SERVICES | Community Development | Ocean Shores Community Centre (Recurring bookings) | Kitchen | ||||
Day or Evening | $18.18 | $1.82 | $20.00 | |
Per hour
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | CORPORATE AND COMMUNITY SERVICES | Community Development | Ocean Shores Community Centre (carpark) | ||||
Full day | $36.36 | $3.64 | $40.00 | |
Power and toilet use |
Half day | $18.18 | $1.82 | $20.00 | |
Power and toilet use |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | CORPORATE AND COMMUNITY SERVICES | Community Development | Ocean Shore Community Centre (miscellaneous) | ||||
Council and/or Tweed Byron Local Emergency Management Committee (LEMC) |
Nil |
Use of the facility for emergency purposes such as disaster response and recovery. |
Projector hire | $18.18 | $1.82 | $20.00 | |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | CORPORATE AND COMMUNITY SERVICES | Community Development | Ocean Shores Community Centre (Occasional bookings) | ||||
Hall – Functions, special events | $454.55 | $45.45 | $500.00 | |
Full day
Hall – Function only evenings | $272.73 | $27.27 | $300.00 | |
5.00pm to 11.00pm
Bond |
Between $250.00 and $1,000.00 |
Per function, refundable after inspection, at the discretion of the Committee. |
Key deposit | $50.00 | $0.00 | $50.00 | |
Refundable, unless key returned late ie. not immediately after event.
Extraordinary cleaning |
At cost
Min charge $90.00, includes removal of garbage |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | CORPORATE AND COMMUNITY SERVICES | Community Development | Ocean Shores Community Centre (Occasional bookings) | Hall | ||||
Day | $29.09 | $2.91 | $32.00 | |
Per hour, 8.00am to 5.00pm (maximum 4 hour booking)
Night | $36.36 | $3.64 | $40.00 | |
Per hour, 5.00pm to 11.00pm
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | CORPORATE AND COMMUNITY SERVICES | Community Development | Ocean Shores Community Centre (Occasional bookings) | Meeting Room 1 (Large) | ||||
Day | $22.73 | $2.27 | $25.00 | |
Per hour all day |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | CORPORATE AND COMMUNITY SERVICES | Community Development | Ocean Shores Community Centre (Occasional bookings) | Meeting Room 2 (Small) | ||||
Day | $18.18 | $1.82 | $20.00 | |
Per hour all day
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | CORPORATE AND COMMUNITY SERVICES | Community Development | Ocean Shores Community Centre (Occasional bookings) | Kitchen | ||||
Day or Night | $18.18 | $1.82 | $20.00 | |
Per hour
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | CORPORATE AND COMMUNITY SERVICES | Community Development | Ocean Shores Community Centre (Not for Profit rate) | ||||
Special Event – Full day | $318.18 | $31.82 | $350.00 | |
Storage cupboard | $2.27 | $0.23 | $2.50 | |
Per week
Special Event – 5.00pm to 11.00pm | $181.82 | $18.18 | $200.00 | |
Kitchen | $14.55 | $1.45 | $16.00 | |
Per hour
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | CORPORATE AND COMMUNITY SERVICES | Community Development | Ocean Shores Community Centre (Not for Profit rate) | Hall | ||||
Day | $20.00 | $2.00 | $22.00 | |
Per hour
Night | $24.55 | $2.45 | $27.00 | |
Per hour
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | CORPORATE AND COMMUNITY SERVICES | Community Development | Ocean Shores Community Centre (Not for Profit rate) | Meeting Room 1 (Large) | ||||
Day | $13.64 | $1.36 | $15.00 | |
Per hour all day |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | CORPORATE AND COMMUNITY SERVICES | Community Development | Ocean Shores Community Centre (Not for Profit rate) | Meeting Room 2 (Small) | ||||
Day | $12.73 | $1.27 | $14.00 | |
Per hour all day
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | CORPORATE AND COMMUNITY SERVICES | Community Development | South Golden Beach Hall (Regular hirer rate) | ||||
Hall | $20.00 | $2.00 | $22.00 | |
Per hour
Key bond | $50.00 | $0.00 | $50.00 | |
Bond (low risk, one-off events) | $100.00 | $0.00 | $100.00 | |
Kitchen – special event bond | $45.45 | $4.55 | $50.00 | |
Per event/use
Kitchen – separate hire | $18.18 | $1.82 | $20.00 | |
Per hour
Office | $13.64 | $1.36 | $15.00 | |
Per hour, includes Broadband
Storage |
POA between $7.00 and $20.00 per month
Cleaning | $63.64 | $6.36 | $70.00 | |
Cleaning – not left in suitable condition |
At cost
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | CORPORATE AND COMMUNITY SERVICES | Community Development | South Golden Beach Hall (Casual hirer rate) | ||||
Night rate | $31.82 | $3.18 | $35.00 | |
Per hour, from 5.00pm. Use of kitchen not included. |
Bond - low risk event | $150.00 | $0.00 | $150.00 | |
Bond - night | $400.00 | $0.00 | $400.00 | |
From 5.00pm |
Day rate | $31.82 | $3.18 | $35.00 | |
Per hour, up to 5.00pm. Include use of kitchen. |
Bond - day | $300.00 | $0.00 | $300.00 | |
Up to 5.00pm |
Cleaning | $81.82 | $8.18 | $90.00 | |
Night rate - kitchen | $16.36 | $1.64 | $18.00 | |
Per hour, from 5.00pm. |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | CORPORATE AND COMMUNITY SERVICES | Community Development | South Golden Beach Hall (Not for Profit rate) | ||||
Hall | $16.36 | $1.64 | $18.00 | |
Per hour (Regular hirer)
Key bond | $50.00 | $0.00 | $50.00 | |
Bond (low risk, one-off events) | $100.00 | $0.00 | $100.00 | |
Cleaning – not left in suitable condition |
At cost
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | CORPORATE AND COMMUNITY SERVICES | Community Development | South Golden Beach Hall (miscellaneous) | ||||
Council and/or Tweed Byron Local Emergency Management Committee (LEMC) |
Nil |
Use of the facility for emergency purposes such as disaster response and recovery. |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | CORPORATE AND COMMUNITY SERVICES | Community Development | Suffolk Park Community Hall (Standard rate) | ||||
Hire between 10.00am and 3.30pm weekdays |
Storage fee |
POA between $20.00 and $40.00 per month
Meeting Room | $23.64 | $2.36 | $26.00 | |
Per hour |
Special function (all day) | $477.27 | $47.73 | $525.00 | |
All day event - for all special functions, eg. elections, conferences, weddings. Includes set up previous day from 5.00pm and clean up following day until 10.00am.
Hall Hire (day or night) | $32.73 | $3.27 | $36.00 | |
Per hour, between 8.00am and 10.00pm
Special function (per hour) | $45.45 | $4.55 | $50.00 | |
Per hour
Children's birthday parties | $45.45 | $4.55 | $50.00 | |
Per hour
Bond – special function | $500.00 | $0.00 | $500.00 | |
Bond – children's birthday parties | $200.00 | $0.00 | $200.00 | |
Replacement of lost key | $50.00 | $5.00 | $55.00 | |
Cleaning – extraordinary |
At cost
Includes removal of garbage, emptying of dishwasher, kitchen cleaning, etc. Cost deducted from bond or invoiced separately.
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | CORPORATE AND COMMUNITY SERVICES | Community Development | Suffolk Park Community Hall (Regular booking rate) | ||||
Meeting Room | $21.82 | $2.18 | $24.00 | |
Per hour |
Hire between 10.00am and 3.30pm weekdays |
Hall Hire (day or night) | $24.55 | $2.45 | $27.00 | |
Per hour, between 8.00am and 10.00pm
Storage fee |
POA between $20 and $40 per month
Bond | $200.00 | $0.00 | $200.00 | |
Replacement of lost key | $50.00 | $5.00 | $55.00 | |
Cleaning – extraordinary |
At cost
Includes removal of garbage, emptying of dishwasher, kitchen cleaning, etc. Cost deducted from bond or invoiced separately.
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | CORPORATE AND COMMUNITY SERVICES | Community Development | Suffolk Park Community Hall (Not for Profit rate) | ||||
Meeting Room | $18.18 | $1.82 | $20.00 | |
Per hour |
Hire between 10.00am and 3.30pm weekdays |
Hall Hire (day or night) | $20.00 | $2.00 | $22.00 | |
Per hour, between 8.00am and 10.00pm
Storage fee |
POA between $20 and $40 per month |
Bond – special function | $200.00 | $0.00 | $200.00 | |
Replacement of lost key | $50.00 | $5.00 | $55.00 | |
Cleaning for special events (eg weddings, parties) | $72.73 | $7.27 | $80.00 | |
Includes removal of garbage, emptying of dishwasher, kitchen cleaning, etc. Cost deducted from bond or invoiced separately. |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | CORPORATE AND COMMUNITY SERVICES | Community Development | Suffolk Park Community Hall (miscellaneous) | ||||
Council and/or Tweed Byron Local Emergency Management Committee (LEMC) |
Nil |
Use of the facility for emergency purposes such as disaster response and recovery. |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | CORPORATE AND COMMUNITY SERVICES | Community Development | Lone Goat Gallery (Standard rate) | Exhibitions - Special Events | ||||
Touring exhibitions or special events |
Conditions by negotiation, including exhibition/event duration and fee. |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | CORPORATE AND COMMUNITY SERVICES | Community Development | Lone Goat Gallery (Standard rate) | Exhibitions - Group | ||||
Weekly rate for exhibition | $350.91 | $35.09 | $386.00 | |
Must be booked for a minimum 4 weeks. duration by negotiation. As of the 1 January 2025, there will be no hire fees for the Gallery exhibition space for exhibiting artists. |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | CORPORATE AND COMMUNITY SERVICES | Community Development | Lone Goat Gallery (Standard rate) | Exhibitions - Individual | ||||
Weekly rate for exhibition | $272.73 | $27.27 | $300.00 | |
Must be booked for a minimum 4 weeks. duration by negotiation. As of the 1 January 2025, there will be no hire fees for the Gallery exhibition space for exhibiting artists. |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | CORPORATE AND COMMUNITY SERVICES | Community Development | Lone Goat Gallery (Not for Profit rate) | Exhibitions - Group | ||||
Weekly rate for exhibition | $280.91 | $28.09 | $309.00 | |
Must be booked for a minimum 4 weeks. duration by negotiation. As of the 1 January 2025, there will be no hire fees for the Gallery exhibition space for exhibiting artists. |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | CORPORATE AND COMMUNITY SERVICES | Community Development | Lone Goat Gallery (Not for Profit rate) | Exhibitions - Individual and Local | ||||
Weekly rate for exhibition | $218.18 | $21.82 | $240.00 | |
Must be booked for a minimum 4 weeks. duration by negotiation. As of the 1 January 2025, there will be no hire fees for the Gallery exhibition space for exhibiting artists. |
Sandhills - waitlist fee | $20.00 | $0.00 | $20.00 | |
Sandhills - Burbi/Mani rooms | $140.00 | $0.00 | $140.00 | |
Per day
Sandhills - Winyum/Gabul rooms | $135.00 | $0.00 | $135.00 | |
Per day
Inclusions levy | $120.00 | $0.00 | $120.00 | |
Annual fee per child. Includes excursions, hats for pre-schoolers, sunscreen, insect repellent, etc. |
Fundraising levy | $100.00 | $0.00 | $100.00 | |
Annual charge, per child |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | CORPORATE AND COMMUNITY SERVICES | Children's Services - Other Services | ||||
OSHC – enrolment fee | $35.00 | $0.00 | $35.00 | |
One off charge
OSHC - after school care | $40.00 | $0.00 | $40.00 | |
OSHC - vacation care | $72.00 | $0.00 | $72.00 | |
Per day
Sandhills and OSHC - Late collection fee | $5.00 | $0.00 | $5.00 | |
Per child, per 5 minute interval after 6pm
Master Locksmith Association key (MLAK) |
No charge
MLAK is a specifically designed key enabling people with a disability to access community facilities throughout NSW
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | Fleet, Plant and Depot Services | ||||
Prime Mover PI#4042 and Low Loader PI#90 | $201.82 | $20.18 | $222.00 | |
Per hour
Potable water delivery | $385.00 | $0.00 | $385.00 | |
Delivery of up to 12,000 litres of potable water |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | Private and Public Works | Kerb and Gutter Contributions | ||||
Frontage |
50% of total estimated cost
Side and rear boundaries |
25% of total estimated cost
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | Private and Public Works | Footpath Contributions | ||||
Frontage |
50% of total estimated cost
Side and rear boundaries |
25% of total estimated cost
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | Private and Public Works | Other Works | ||||
Other Works |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | Private and Public Works | Survey Information | ||||
AHD Level, locality sketch plans, permanent marks and state benchmarks |
Per copy A4 sheet
Control survey plan |
Per plan A1 sheet
Control survey plan |
Per plan A4 or A3 sheet
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | Private and Public Works | Search fee information | ||||
Search fee information |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | Private and Public Works | Road closure application | ||||
Road closure application |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | Private and Public Works | Approval of Road Events pursuant to S144 of the Roads Act | ||||
Approval of previously approved or recurring road event | $180.00 | $0.00 | $180.00 | |
Includes public notice cost. Applies to annual events, or those that occur more frequently, on the basis the event proposes no changes to the previous approval obtained, and that the same event has been held within the 12 months prior to the application being made.
Advertising of event and staff time to process | $452.00 | $0.00 | $452.00 | |
All associated costs apply (wages, delivery and hire of traffic control signs, devices) and will be provided and invoiced separately. Exemptions: Traditional ANZAC Day marches are exempt from all fees and service charges.
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | Private and Public Works | Service Fee utility enquiries | ||||
Service fee utility enquiries |
Per hour
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | Activities/Works In, On or Over a public road | ||||
Investigate the installation of a street light shade | $660.00 | $0.00 | $660.00 | |
Installation of street light shade | $1,000.00 | $0.00 | $1,000.00 | |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | Activities/Works In, On or Over a public road | Application for a street banner pole (Commercial rate) | ||||
First pole or new town location | $245.00 | $0.00 | $245.00 | |
Additional pole/s – same town location | $93.00 | $0.00 | $93.00 | |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | Activities/Works In, On or Over a public road | Application for a street banner pole (Community rate) | ||||
First pole or new town location | $161.00 | $0.00 | $161.00 | |
Additional pole/s – same town location | $63.00 | $0.00 | $63.00 | |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | Activities/Works In, On or Over a public road | Pay parking | ||||
Tourist and Visitor Accommodation Permit | $696.00 | $0.00 | $696.00 | |
12 month period - For approved tourist and visitor accommodation premises1&2 (excluding Short Term Rental Accommodation2) within the pay parking area and applicable within 200m of the approved premise. Limit of 10 per business. Eligibility requirements apply and are subject to site inspection and assessment. 1 Approved prior to 30 May 2014. 2 As defined by applicable legislation. |
Native Title Permit | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | |
For members of Bundjalung of Byron Bay Aboriginal Corporation. Eligibility requirements apply through the members list which is updated yearly with the Office of the Registrar of Indigenous Corporations. |
Temporary Business parking permit | $116.00 | $0.00 | $116.00 | |
3 month period - For business, activity or service within the pay parking area. Applicable within 200m of the business, activity or service. Limit of 5 per business, activity or service. Eligibility requirements apply |
Per hour | $4.55 | $0.45 | $5.00 | |
4P zones capped at $15, P zones capped at $25 per day |
Shire resident parking permit | $55.00 | $0.00 | $55.00 | |
12 month period. Eligibility requirements apply. Council has resolved that each rateable property in the Byron Shire can access two free Shire resident parking permits, subject to terms and conditions, upon commencement of the proposed Brunswick Heads paid parking scheme. |
Business/worker/volunteer exemption, or worker interim parking permit | $116.00 | $0.00 | $116.00 | |
12 month period – For business operator, or employee of one, where the business is located within the pay parking area. Eligibility requirements apply |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | Activities/Works In, On or Over a public road | Public gates and cattle grids on Council roads | ||||
Application fee | $294.07 | $0.00 | $294.07 | |
Includes one inspection
Inspection fee | $227.00 | $0.00 | $227.00 | |
Payable for each inspection in excess of the one included in the application fee
Construction bond |
$2,200.00 plus costs
Mininum bond for Council to rectify unacceptable works in, on, or over, a public road
Advertising fee |
Reflects cost of advertising
Repair to public gate, cattle grid or road |
At cost
As required by Council to maintain public safety
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | Activities/Works In, On or Over a public road | Traffic Management | ||||
Local Traffic Committee - Events | $151.82 | $15.18 | $167.00 | |
Per hour, min 1 hour |
Local Traffic Committee – Roads Act Applications | $214.00 | $0.00 | $214.00 | |
Local Traffic Committee - Traffic related advice | $156.36 | $15.64 | $172.00 | |
Per hour, min 1 hour |
Regulatory signage and/or linemarking |
At cost |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | Activities/Works In, On or Over a public road | Traffic Management | Traffic Count information | ||||
Up to four locations (all years) | $192.73 | $19.27 | $212.00 | |
Min charge
Each additional location | $65.45 | $6.55 | $72.00 | |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | Activities/Works In, On or Over a public road | Traffic Management | Traffic Count information | Request for count to be taken | ||||
Counter – no traffic control | $335.48 | $33.55 | $369.03 | |
Counter – with traffic control | $940.00 | $94.00 | $1,034.00 | |
Classifier – no traffic control | $502.73 | $50.27 | $553.00 | |
Classifier – with traffic control | $1,107.27 | $110.73 | $1,218.00 | |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | Cemeteries | Burial Plot | Interments and Memorials | ||||
CCNSW Interment Levy Burial | $156.00 | $15.60 | $171.60 | |
Burial Plot -Dual Depth | $6,252.73 | $625.27 | $6,878.00 | |
Interment Right + 1st bodily interment (Lawn Section) Interment Capacity: Up to 2 bodily & 6 ash interments *Issued as Next in Line |
Burial Plot -Single Depth | $5,418.18 | $541.82 | $5,960.00 | |
Interment Right + 1st bodily interment (Non-Lawn, Denomination Section) Interment Capacity: Up to1 bodily & 6 ash interments *By request only |
Burial Plot -Stillborn / Infant / Child | $845.45 | $84.55 | $930.00 | |
Interment capacity: 1 bodily interment |
Bodily Interment | $2,130.91 | $213.09 | $2,344.00 | |
Ashes Interment | $514.55 | $51.45 | $566.00 | |
Ashes interred individually or in casket accompanying bodily interment |
Burial Plot -Addition of Memorial Only | $514.55 | $51.45 | $566.00 | |
Burial Plot - Bronze Plaque |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | Cemeteries | Columbarium Wall | Interments and Memorials | ||||
CCNSW Interment Levy - Ash Interment | $63.00 | $6.30 | $69.30 | |
Niche Ashes Interment | $1,284.55 | $128.45 | $1,413.00 | |
Reservation -Adjoining Niche | $1,284.54 | $128.45 | $1,413.00 | |
Niche Vase | $136.36 | $13.64 | $150.00 | |
Memorial Garden Plaque | $540.91 | $54.09 | $595.00 | |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | Cemeteries | Headstones and Plaques | ||||
Headstone Application Fee | $204.00 | $0.00 | $204.00 | |
Replacement Plaque (small) | $407.27 | $40.73 | $448.00 | |
Replacement Plaque (large) | $506.36 | $50.64 | $557.00 | |
Weekday -Over Allotted Time | $153.64 | $15.36 | $169.00 | |
Per hour thereafter the 1.5hr booking |
Weekday –After 2pm | $402.73 | $40.27 | $443.00 | |
Per hour, min 4 hrs |
Weekend / Public Holiday | $291.82 | $29.18 | $321.00 | |
Labour and Plant per hour, min 4 hrs |
Manual Digging |
Burial Plot Probe | $536.36 | $53.64 | $590.00 | |
Transfer of Interment Right application | $206.36 | $20.64 | $227.00 | |
Cemetery Records Search -Historical | $81.00 | $0.00 | $81.00 | |
Per hour, min 2 hrs |
Exhumation of Bodily Remains |
Provision of electronic flood model data | $1,290.00 | $0.00 | $1,290.00 | |
Professional services | $227.00 | $0.00 | $227.00 | |
Per hour, advice or information regarding flood data and modelling
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | Byron Shire Sportsfields for Casual Use | Sporting Fields (Standard rate) | ||||
Sporting Fields | $130.91 | $13.09 | $144.00 | |
Cricket – turf wicket | $261.82 | $26.18 | $288.00 | |
Netball (per hour per court) | $14.55 | $1.45 | $16.00 | |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | Byron Shire Sportsfields for Casual Use | Cavanbah Centre Sporting Fields (Standard rate) | ||||
Sporting Fields | $195.45 | $19.55 | $215.00 | |
Athletics | $195.45 | $19.55 | $215.00 | |
Athletics – Zone, District or Regional level | $252.73 | $25.27 | $278.00 | |
Cricket – turf wicket | $261.82 | $26.18 | $288.00 | |
Netball/Basketball Court (Outdoor) | $14.55 | $1.45 | $16.00 | |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | Byron Shire Sportsfields for Casual Use | Additional charges (all Sporting Fields including Cavanbah Centre) | ||||
Suffolk Park tennis courts | $772.73 | $77.27 | $850.00 | |
Bangalow tennis courts | $1,500.00 | $150.00 | $1,650.00 | |
Ocean Shores tennis courts | $772.73 | $77.27 | $850.00 | |
Cavanbah shared path (Outdoor user agreement) | $649.09 | $64.91 | $714.00 | |
based on up to 2 sessions / week |
Netball/Basketball/Tennis/Croquet/Pickelball (Outdoor User Agreement) |
Casual Sports Ground Hire (up to 2 hours)* | $82.73 | $8.27 | $91.00 | |
Excludes not for profit sports clubs / associations or schools |
Event charges |
Eg. mowing outside regular routine maintenance, ground preparation
Sports lighting |
Consumption cost recovery
Goal posts – removal/installation | $270.00 | $27.00 | $297.00 | |
Linemarking | $86.36 | $8.64 | $95.00 | |
Remarking, per field Minimum written notification period of 3 weeks prior to use is required for surveying and linemarking. |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | Additional charges (Cavanbah Centre Only) | ||||
Car Park Hire - Southern Bay (Standard) | $430.00 | $43.00 | $473.00 | |
Sports Canteen | $135.45 | $13.55 | $149.00 | |
Temporary utility access | $109.09 | $10.91 | $120.00 | |
Sport canteen awning | $109.09 | $10.91 | $120.00 | |
Car Park Hire (Standard) | $1,934.55 | $193.45 | $2,128.00 | |
Undercover bus bay | $109.09 | $10.91 | $120.00 | |
Eastern Green | $109.09 | $10.91 | $120.00 | |
Per day. Grassed area east of the Cavanbah Centre, between main building and outdoor courts.
Western awning | $109.09 | $10.91 | $120.00 | |
Canteen (east or west) | $230.00 | $23.00 | $253.00 | |
Electricity – kitchen |
Consumption cost recovery
Markets |
Primitive camping |
Shared Path (Standard) | $240.00 | $24.00 | $264.00 | |
Per day or part there of |
Signage space |
Sports equipment external storage (per year) | $163.64 | $16.36 | $180.00 | |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | Byron Shire Sportsfields for Seasonal Users | Groups with up to 4 sessions per week | Monthly | ||||
Mullumbimby Recreation Ground | $18.18 | $1.82 | $20.00 | |
Pine Avenue Sports Fields | $34.55 | $3.45 | $38.00 | |
Linda Vidler Park | $25.45 | $2.55 | $28.00 | |
Shara Boulevard Bob Bellear Sports field | $43.64 | $4.36 | $48.00 | |
Byron Bay Memorial & Recreation Ground | $34.55 | $3.45 | $38.00 | |
Cavanbah Centre | $43.64 | $4.36 | $48.00 | |
Bangalow Sports Fields | $34.55 | $3.45 | $38.00 | |
Brunswick Heads Sports Fields | $34.55 | $3.45 | $38.00 | |
Tom Kendall Oval | $25.45 | $2.55 | $28.00 | |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | Byron Shire Sportsfields for Seasonal Users | Groups with five or more sessions per week | Monthly | ||||
Mullumbimby Recreation Ground | $74.55 | $7.45 | $82.00 | |
Cavanbah Centre | $177.27 | $17.73 | $195.00 | |
Brunswick Heads Sports Fields | $140.00 | $14.00 | $154.00 | |
Pine Avenue Sports Fields | $140.00 | $14.00 | $154.00 | |
Byron Bay Memorial & Recreation Ground | $140.00 | $14.00 | $154.00 | |
Shara Boulevard Bob Bellear Sports field | $177.27 | $17.73 | $195.00 | |
Bangalow Sports Fields | $140.00 | $14.00 | $154.00 | |
Linda Vidler Park | $103.64 | $10.36 | $114.00 | |
Tom Kendall Oval | $103.64 | $10.36 | $114.00 | |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | Byron Shire Sportsfields for Seasonal Users | Commercial Recreation Activity Permit | ||||
Application Fee | $127.27 | $12.73 | $140.00 | |
High Frequency Use | $872.73 | $87.27 | $960.00 | |
Over 3 days per week or 10 plus hours per week over 12 months |
Low Frequency Use | $509.09 | $50.91 | $560.00 | |
3 or less days per week or less than 10 hours per week over 12 months |
Alternate 6 month licence, 65% of annual fee. Application fee applies. |
Amendment to any of the above during a licence period | $112.73 | $11.27 | $124.00 | |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | Crown Beach Recreational Reserves for Seasonal Users | ||||
School sporting activities | $27.27 | $2.73 | $30.00 | |
Per hour, low impact only
Sporting clubs | $27.27 | $2.73 | $30.00 | |
Per hour. Low impact, club members only, regular club activities (not for profit certificate to be provided)
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | The Cavanbah Centre | Meeting Room | ||||
Per hour | $40.91 | $4.09 | $45.00 | |
Min 1 hour hire
Per half day | $164.55 | $16.45 | $181.00 | |
Per day | $243.64 | $24.36 | $268.00 | |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | The Cavanbah Centre | Multi Function Room MF1 or MF2 | ||||
Per hour | $45.45 | $4.55 | $50.00 | |
Minimum 1 hour hire
Per half day | $187.27 | $18.73 | $206.00 | |
Per day | $280.91 | $28.09 | $309.00 | |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | The Cavanbah Centre | Main Auditorium | Membership and Casual Use Passes | ||||
Social Sport | $7.27 | $0.73 | $8.00 | |
Per session. For all Cavanbah Centre social sports. |
Casual Use | $6.36 | $0.64 | $7.00 | |
Per person (stadium only, includes showers).
Use of a pass is subject to availability and venue bookings at the time of entry. Casual user fee based on non-exclusive use of court space. No group training or coaching. During peak usage maximum 2 hr court time may apply
Casual 10 Block Pass | $55.45 | $5.55 | $61.00 | |
Casual 10 block pass (12 month validity) 10 x casual visit card (stadium only includes showers), does not include access to Cavanbah Centre social sports.
Use of a pass is subject to availability and venue bookings at the time of entry. Casual user fee based on non-exclusive use of court space. No group training or coaching. During peak usage maximum 2 hour court time may apply.
Casual 20 Block Pass | $104.55 | $10.45 | $115.00 | |
(16+yrs) 20 x casual visit card , (stadium only including showers), does not include access to Cavanbah Centre social sports.
Use of a pass is subject to availability and venue bookings at the time of entry. Casual user fee based on non-exclusive use of court space. No group training or coaching. During peak usage maximum 2 hour court time may apply.
Casual dance fee | $22.73 | $2.27 | $25.00 | |
Maximum 2 person - exclusive room use, subject to availability and venue bookings at time of entry. No group training or coaching. during peak usage maximum 2hr may apply. |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | The Cavanbah Centre | Main Auditorium | Court hire | ||||
Indoor Court | $61.82 | $6.18 | $68.00 | |
Minimum 1 hour hire
Off Peak | $39.09 | $3.91 | $43.00 | |
Monday to Friday per hour (8.30am-3.00pm) community rate N/A |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | The Cavanbah Centre | Main Auditorium | Event Hire | ||||
Special event hire |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | The Cavanbah Centre | Main Auditorium | Storage | ||||
Storage – large (4mL x 4mW x 4mH) | $15.45 | $1.55 | $17.00 | |
Subject to availability |
Storage – medium (2mL x 2mW x 4mH) | $10.91 | $1.09 | $12.00 | |
Subject to availability |
Storage – small (1mL x 1mW x 4mH) | $5.45 | $0.55 | $6.00 | |
Subject to availability |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | The Cavanbah Centre | Equipment hire | ||||
AV TV | $109.09 | $10.91 | $120.00 | |
Projector | $36.36 | $3.64 | $40.00 | |
Projector (with audio and webcam) | $72.73 | $7.27 | $80.00 | |
Electrical distribution board |
Inflatable / portable movie screen and audio speakers |
JBL audio system |
Key deposit | $50.00 | $0.00 | $50.00 | |
Holding fee, if key is not returned as required, credit card will be charged the cost of replacement. |
Urn | $13.64 | $1.36 | $15.00 | |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | The Cavanbah Centre | Carpet tile laying | ||||
One Court | $645.45 | $64.55 | $710.00 | |
Multi Function Rooms | $99.09 | $9.91 | $109.00 | |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | The Cavanbah Centre | Administration charges | ||||
Cancellation fee | $22.73 | $2.27 | $25.00 | |
Any booking cancelled 8 days or more prior to date of booking
Late payment fee | $27.27 | $2.73 | $30.00 | |
Any booking 1 week over prior to day of booking
Event cancellation | $227.27 | $22.73 | $250.00 | |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | The Cavanbah Centre | Advertising | ||||
LED road sign commercial user | $1,045.45 | $104.55 | $1,150.00 | |
Banner |
LED road sign community user | $522.73 | $52.27 | $575.00 | |
Banner |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | The Cavanbah Centre | Other fees | ||||
Staffing out of hours (Sunday) | $77.27 | $7.73 | $85.00 | |
Per hour |
Staffing out of hours (Saturday) | $57.27 | $5.73 | $63.00 | |
Per hour |
Sunday minimum opening charge | $409.09 | $40.91 | $450.00 | |
Includes facility hire charge, standard fees and charges apply thereafter, includes 4 opening hours, excludes events (100+ pax standard bookings only), opening times subject to availability, two staff required after 6pm, maximum hire fee is calculated based on facility hire charge or staffing cost, whichever is the greater value. |
Staffing out of hours (Mon - Fri) | $38.18 | $3.82 | $42.00 | |
Per hour |
Cavanbah Coffee/Food Cart |
Supply of tea/coffee | $4.55 | $0.45 | $5.00 | |
Per head, per day
Hire Agreement |
Internet use | $4.55 | $0.45 | $5.00 | |
Application for Certificate of Compliance | $202.00 | $0.00 | $202.00 | |
Section 305 Water Management Act
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | Water Service Installations | Supply of water and recycled water meters | ||||
Radio read mechanism | $220.00 | $0.00 | $220.00 | |
Standard Meter – 20mm up to 40mm | $280.00 | $0.00 | $280.00 | |
Standard Meter – 50mm | $2,650.00 | $0.00 | $2,650.00 | |
Standard Meter – 65mm | $3,280.00 | $0.00 | $3,280.00 | |
80mm – magflow | $3,880.00 | $0.00 | $3,880.00 | |
80mm – standard | $3,845.00 | $0.00 | $3,845.00 | |
100mm – magflow | $4,360.00 | $0.00 | $4,360.00 | |
100mm – standard | $3,485.00 | $0.00 | $3,485.00 | |
All other meters |
As quoted
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | Water Service Installations | Tapping main | ||||
20mm up to 50mm | $710.00 | $0.00 | $710.00 | |
Requires min 7 days notice |
65mm and above | $2,450.00 | $0.00 | $2,450.00 | |
Requires min 7 days notice |
Traffic control |
At cost
This is the applicant's responsibility to organise in order to provide a safe work site, all costs borne by applicant. |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | Water Service Installations | Interruption to Water Supply | ||||
Informing residents, advertising, shutting valves and flushing | $545.00 | $0.00 | $545.00 | |
Conducted Thursdays and requires min 7 days notice
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | Water Service Installations | Meter reading | ||||
Special meter reading upon request | $115.00 | $0.00 | $115.00 | |
Per reading
Special meter reading due to inaccessability | $115.00 | $0.00 | $115.00 | |
Meter reading estimates | $100.00 | $0.00 | $100.00 | |
Subsequent meter reading estimates | $215.00 | $0.00 | $215.00 | |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | Water Service Installations | Water service disconnection/reconnection | ||||
Disconnection fee | $200.00 | $0.00 | $200.00 | |
Removal of restrictor | $240.00 | $0.00 | $240.00 | |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | Water Service Installations | Water pressure certificate | ||||
Two hydrant (simultaneous) flow test and computer analysis | $555.00 | $0.00 | $555.00 | |
Excluding traffic control
Traffic control (if required) |
At cost
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | Water Service Installations | Meter testing fee | ||||
20mm up to 80mm | $685.00 | $0.00 | $685.00 | |
100mm and above |
Requires Quotation
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | Water Service Installations | Bulk water | ||||
Application to draw bulk water | $200.00 | $0.00 | $200.00 | |
Bulk water supply charge | $7.45 | $0.00 | $7.45 | |
Per kL
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | Water Service Installations | Metered standpipe | ||||
Hire (subject to approval) | $115.00 | $0.00 | $115.00 | |
Per week
Bond | $2,000.00 | $0.00 | $2,000.00 | |
Refunded on return of metered standpipe in satisfactory condition. Any repairs or replacement at cost.
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | Water Service Installations | Damaged water meter | ||||
Repair of damaged water meter | $200.00 | $0.00 | $200.00 | |
Per incident |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | Sewerage Service Charges | New sewer main connections | ||||
150mm main | $600.00 | $0.00 | $600.00 | |
All excavation and safety to be provided by applicant
Greater than 150mm |
As quoted
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | Sewerage Service Charges | Liquid trade waste excess mass charge per Kg | ||||
BOD5 300mg/L | $1.55 | $0.00 | $1.55 | |
Suspended solids 300mg/L | $1.55 | $0.00 | $1.55 | |
Oil and Grease 50mg/L | $1.85 | $0.00 | $1.85 | |
Ammonia (as N) 35mg/L | $2.95 | $0.00 | $2.95 | |
TKN 50mg/L | $1.00 | $0.00 | $1.00 | |
Sulphate (SO4) 50mg/L | $0.50 | $0.00 | $0.50 | |
Total Phosphorus 10mg/L | $2.10 | $0.00 | $2.10 | |
Petroleum hydrocarbons (non-flammable) 30mg/L | $3.40 | $0.00 | $3.40 | |
Total dissolved solids (TDS) 1000mg/L | $0.30 | $0.00 | $0.30 | |
pH excess mass coefficient (K) |
Charge Rate = K x (actual pH - approved pH)# x 2(actual pH - approved pH)# K = 0.591 # Absolute value |
Charge rate for pH where it is outside the approved range for the discharger ($/kL) |
All other substances as per DPE Liquid Trade Waste Regulation Guidelines |
As quoted
Refer to the Dept. of Planning and Environment (DPE) Liquid Trade Waste Regulation Guidelines 2021. Fees are adjusted by CPI for current financial year
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | Sewerage Service Charges | Tankered waste per kL | ||||
Festival loads (Medium strength waste) | $70.00 | $0.00 | $70.00 | |
Festival loads (High strength waste, Ammonia >= 400mg/L) | $125.00 | $0.00 | $125.00 | |
Raw Sewerage / Septic Waste / Portable Toilets | $70.00 | $0.00 | $70.00 | |
Non-compliant loads | $700.00 | $0.00 | $700.00 | |
All waste discharged to the sewerage treatment plant must be in-line with that outlined in the carter's Liquid Trade Waste Approval. If loads are found to be in contravention of the approval, volumes will be charged at the non-compliant rate. This includes waste from outside of Byron Shire and in excess of the approved volumes. |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | Sewerage Service Charges | Water and sewer services | ||||
Utilities assessment services | $230.00 | $0.00 | $230.00 | |
Per hour, min 1 hour. Includes, but not restricted to, engineering, work as executed plans, environmental, hydraulic modelling assessment. |
Water / Sewer Attendant – during business hours | $206.36 | $20.64 | $227.00 | |
Water / Sewer Attendant – after hours | $209.09 | $20.91 | $230.00 | |
Per hour per attendant
Sewer Disconnection Fee | $200.00 | $0.00 | $200.00 | |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | Sewerage Service Charges | Liquid trade waste and private pump station application fees | ||||
Non-compliant private pump station | $3.87 | $0.00 | $3.87 | |
per kilolitre |
Private pump station | $175.00 | $0.00 | $175.00 | |
Category 1 Nil or minimum pre-treatment | $375.00 | $0.00 | $375.00 | |
Category 2 Prescribed pre-treatment | $565.00 | $0.00 | $565.00 | |
Category 2S Septic, pan and ship to shore | $445.00 | $0.00 | $445.00 | |
Category 3 Large and industrial dischargers | $690.00 | $0.00 | $690.00 | |
Amended approval |
50% of application fee
On-time re-approval discount |
50% of application fee |
if an existing liquid trade waste approval is renewed before the expiry date, a 50% discount on the application fee is applicable. |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | Sewerage Service Charges | Liquid trade waste services | ||||
Administration fee for non-compliance correspondence | $40.00 | $0.00 | $40.00 | |
Re-inspection fee (per hour) | $227.00 | $0.00 | $227.00 | |
Sampling (per hour) | $195.00 | $0.00 | $195.00 | |
Laboratory analysis of samples |
At cost + 60% |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | Byron Resource Recovery Centre | Recyclables and green waste | ||||
Green waste – tree stumps, logs, roots | $118.18 | $11.82 | $130.00 | |
Per tonne
Green waste – minimum charge | $13.64 | $1.36 | $15.00 | |
Per load, min charge
Green waste - per tonne | $95.45 | $9.55 | $105.00 | |
Per tonne
Recyclables - mixed, cardboard, polystyrene | $4.55 | $0.45 | $5.00 | |
Up to 100kg |
Recyclables - mixed, cardboard, polystyrene | $90.91 | $9.09 | $100.00 | |
Per tonne, loads greater than 100kg |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | Byron Resource Recovery Centre | Pasteurised garden organics | ||||
Pasteurised garden organics | $6.82 | $0.68 | $7.50 | |
Pasteurised garden organics - Bulk loads |
For orders 100m3 and over
Pasteurised garden organics | $34.55 | $3.45 | $38.00 | |
Per cubic metre
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | Byron Resource Recovery Centre | Metals and tyres | ||||
Dirty / contaminated tyres | $18.18 | $1.82 | $20.00 | |
Caravans (unstripped) | $327.27 | $32.73 | $360.00 | |
Per tonne
Car bodies and caravans (stripped) | $45.45 | $4.55 | $50.00 | |
Per vehicle
Scrap metal | $36.36 | $3.64 | $40.00 | |
Per tonne
Tyres – car | $14.55 | $1.45 | $16.00 | |
Tyres – 4 wheel drive / light truck | $16.36 | $1.64 | $18.00 | |
Tyres – motor cycle | $14.55 | $1.45 | $16.00 | |
Tyres – truck (17.5+) / forklift / bobcat / super single | $72.73 | $7.27 | $80.00 | |
Tyres - tractor small | $145.45 | $14.55 | $160.00 | |
Tyres - tractor large | $263.64 | $26.36 | $290.00 | |
Tyres - earth moving small | $250.00 | $25.00 | $275.00 | |
Tyres - earth moving medium | $522.73 | $52.27 | $575.00 | |
Tyres - earth moving large | $1,090.91 | $109.09 | $1,200.00 | |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | Byron Resource Recovery Centre | Oil and paint | ||||
Paint (commercial) | $1.36 | $0.14 | $1.50 | |
Per litre |
Oil (commercial quantities) | $0.18 | $0.02 | $0.20 | |
Per litre
Oil (domestic quantities) |
No charge
Motor and other oil, up to 20L
Paint (domestic quantities) |
No charge
Up to 20L
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | Byron Resource Recovery Centre | Batteries, gas bottles and whitegoods | ||||
Gas bottles (commercial quantities, over 5) | $9.09 | $0.91 | $10.00 | |
Per bottle, greater than 5 bottles
Gas bottles (domestic quantities) |
No charge
Gassed whitegoods (fridges, aircon units, etc.) | $45.45 | $4.55 | $50.00 | |
Without degas certificate
Lead acid batteries |
No charge
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | Byron Resource Recovery Centre | Light globes and smoke detectors | ||||
Fluorescent light globes (commercial quantities) | $0.45 | $0.05 | $0.50 | |
Per globe
Fluorescent light globes (domestic quantities) |
No charge
Smoke detectors (domestic quantities) |
No charge
Less than 10kg
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | Byron Resource Recovery Centre | Resource Recovery | ||||
Sorted concrete, bricks and tiles | $227.27 | $22.73 | $250.00 | |
100% sorted only No porcelain or caesar stone. |
Sorted Gyprock | $272.73 | $27.27 | $300.00 | |
Per tonne 100% sorted only |
Mattress (recycled) | $31.82 | $3.18 | $35.00 | |
Double mattress or larger |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | Byron Resource Recovery Centre | Waste products | ||||
Vehicle - weight only | $5.45 | $0.55 | $6.00 | |
Bulk loads putrescible waste (commercial quantities) |
Per tonne
Construction and demolition waste | $16.36 | $1.64 | $18.00 | |
Per tonne, min charge
Construction and demolition waste mixed | $327.27 | $32.73 | $360.00 | |
Per tonne
Electronic waste (commercial quantities) | $68.18 | $6.82 | $75.00 | |
Per tonne
Excavated material – clean soil, dirt, sand |
Subject to operational requirements, EPA assessment standards and approval by Council Officer
General mixed waste | $16.36 | $1.64 | $18.00 | |
Per load, min charge
General mixed waste | $327.27 | $32.73 | $360.00 | |
Per tonne
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | Byron Resource Recovery Centre | Bulk Waste | ||||
Special Waste Collection Contribution | $65.00 | $6.50 | $71.50 | |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | Byron Resource Recovery Centre | Contamination fee | ||||
Contaminated waste clean-up fee | $545.45 | $54.55 | $600.00 | |
Asbestos is not accepted at the Byron Resource and Recovery Centre. Disposal charges are in addition to the clean up fee. |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | Byron Resource Recovery Centre | Other charges | ||||
Compost bins | $63.64 | $6.36 | $70.00 | |
Asbestos kits | $45.45 | $4.55 | $50.00 | |
Kitchen caddy | $9.09 | $0.91 | $10.00 | |
Vehicle registration | $45.45 | $4.55 | $50.00 | |
Worm farms | $77.27 | $7.73 | $85.00 | |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | Resource Recovery Services | Additional services | ||||
Additional servicing of Council's public place waste and recycling bins |
Resulting from events
Additional servicing of waste, recycling or organic mobile garbage bins |
Outside of Council's regular service schedule
Bin replacement cost | $92.00 | $0.00 | $92.00 | |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | Resource Recovery Services | 3 Bin sort system | ||||
Subsidy for Business participating in Resource Recovery Avoidance and Reuse Program |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | Special Event Waste and Recycling Services | ||||
Additional service/pickup (waste and recycling) |
Per service/pickup
Organics collection |
Recycling collection |
Waste collection |
Bangalow | $982.00 | $0.00 | $982.00 | |
Brunswick Heads | $982.00 | $0.00 | $982.00 | |
Byron Bay | $982.00 | $0.00 | $982.00 | |
Mullumbimby | $12,263.00 | $0.00 | $12,263.00 | |
Ocean Shores/New Brighton/South Golden Beach | $982.00 | $0.00 | $982.00 | |
Suffolk Park | $982.00 | $0.00 | $982.00 | |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | Section 64 Charges | Bulk Water | ||||
Rous Water bulk headworks connection fee | $10,593.00 | $0.00 | $10,593.00 | |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | Section 64 Charges | Sewerage | ||||
Bangalow | $12,902.00 | $0.00 | $12,902.00 | |
Brunswick Heads | $12,902.00 | $0.00 | $12,902.00 | |
Byron Bay | $12,902.00 | $0.00 | $12,902.00 | |
Mullumbimby | $12,902.00 | $0.00 | $12,902.00 | |
Ocean Shores/New Brighton/South Golden Beach | $12,902.00 | $0.00 | $12,902.00 | |
Suffok Park | $12,902.00 | $0.00 | $12,902.00 | |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | Facilities Management | Swimming pools in Byron Bay and Mullumbimby | ||||
Spectator | $3.45 | $0.35 | $3.80 | |
Infant |
No charge
Adult | $4.73 | $0.47 | $5.20 | |
Child | $4.18 | $0.42 | $4.60 | |
Child with disability (non-swimmer) |
No charge
Carer or Companion Card holder |
No charge
Concession | $4.36 | $0.44 | $4.80 | |
Carnivals |
School children at school sessions | $3.55 | $0.35 | $3.90 | |
Use of season tickets by school children in these circumstances is recognised
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | Facilities Management | Swimming pools in Byron Bay and Mullumbimby | Season tickets | ||||
Adult | $242.73 | $24.27 | $267.00 | |
Child | $193.64 | $19.36 | $213.00 | |
Concession | $210.00 | $21.00 | $231.00 | |
Family | $420.00 | $42.00 | $462.00 | |
Concession family | $269.09 | $26.91 | $296.00 | |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | Facilities Management | Swimming pools in Byron Bay and Mullumbimby | Discount books | ||||
Adult – 25 tickets | $102.73 | $10.27 | $113.00 | |
Adult – 15 tickets | $61.82 | $6.18 | $68.00 | |
Child – 25 tickets | $87.27 | $8.73 | $96.00 | |
Child – 15 tickets | $51.82 | $5.18 | $57.00 | |
Concession – 25 tickets | $87.27 | $8.73 | $96.00 | |
Concession – 15 tickets | $56.36 | $5.64 | $62.00 | |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | Facilities Management | Swimming pools in Byron Bay and Mullumbimby | Hire charges (Community or private) - within operating hours | ||||
Pool and/or grounds (providing own lifeguard) | $108.18 | $10.82 | $119.00 | |
Pool and/or grounds (lifeguard provided by pool manager) |
$155 + POA
Lane hire (plus published admission fee, lifeguard provided by pool manager) | $29.09 | $2.91 | $32.00 | |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | Facilities Management | Swimming pools in Byron Bay and Mullumbimby | Hire charges (Community or private) - outside operating hours | ||||
Pool and/or grounds (providing own lifeguard) | $118.18 | $11.82 | $130.00 | |
Pool and/or grounds (lifeguard provided by pool manager) |
$166 + POA
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | Facilities Management | Swimming pools in Byron Bay and Mullumbimby | Hire charges (Commercial) - within operating hours | ||||
Pool and/or grounds (providing own lifeguard) | $169.09 | $16.91 | $186.00 | |
Pool and/or grounds (lifeguard provided by pool manager) |
$217.00 + POA
Lane hire (plus published admission fee, lifeguard provided by pool manager) | $36.36 | $3.64 | $40.00 | |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | Facilities Management | Swimming pools in Byron Bay and Mullumbimby | Hire charges (Commercial) - outside operating hours | ||||
Pool and/or grounds (providing own lifeguard) | $199.09 | $19.91 | $219.00 | |
Pool and/or grounds (lifeguard provided by pool manager) |
$235.00 + POA
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | Facilities Management | Tyagarah Aerodrome | Airstrip access registration fees (Non-commercial) | ||||
Ultralights, gliders | $290.91 | $29.09 | $320.00 | |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | Facilities Management | Tyagarah Aerodrome | Advertising (6 month display at Information Bay airside) | ||||
Display size – A3 | $166.36 | $16.64 | $183.00 | |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | Facilities Management | Tyagarah Aerodrome | Airstrip access registration fees (Non-commercial) | ||||
GA <2000kg MTOW | $372.73 | $37.27 | $410.00 | |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | Facilities Management | Tyagarah Aerodrome | Advertising (6 month display at Information Bay airside) | ||||
Display size – A5 | $55.45 | $5.55 | $61.00 | |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | Facilities Management | Tyagarah Aerodrome | Advertising (12 month display at Information Bay airside) | ||||
Display size – A5 | $92.73 | $9.27 | $102.00 | |
Display size – A3 | $313.64 | $31.36 | $345.00 | |
Display size – A4 | $202.73 | $20.27 | $223.00 | |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | Facilities Management | Tyagarah Aerodrome | Advertising (6 month display at Information Bay airside) | ||||
Display size – DL | $37.27 | $3.73 | $41.00 | |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | Facilities Management | Tyagarah Aerodrome | Advertising (12 month display at Information Bay airside) | ||||
Display size – DL | $55.45 | $5.55 | $61.00 | |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | Facilities Management | Tyagarah Aerodrome | Airstrip access registration fees (Non-commercial) | ||||
GA >2000kg MTOW | $750.00 | $75.00 | $825.00 | |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | Facilities Management | Tyagarah Aerodrome | Advertising (6 month display at Information Bay airside) | ||||
Display size – A4 | $110.91 | $11.09 | $122.00 | |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | Facilities Management | Tyagarah Aerodrome | Airstrip access registration fees (Commercial) | ||||
Administration charge | $25.45 | $2.55 | $28.00 | |
Registration fee – Ultralights and gliders | $285.45 | $28.55 | $314.00 | |
Registration fee – GA <2000kg MTOW | $365.45 | $36.55 | $402.00 | |
Registration fee – GA >2000kg MTOW | $737.27 | $73.73 | $811.00 | |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | Facilities Management | Tyagarah Aerodrome | Facilities | ||||
Aero Club |
Per booking
Hangar space |
Per month - charged based on space required
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | Facilities Management | Tyagarah Aerodrome | Landing fees | Commercial Resident | ||||
GA <2000kg MTOW | $10.00 | $1.00 | $11.00 | |
GA >2000kg MTOW | $15.45 | $1.55 | $17.00 | |
Ultralights, gliders | $5.45 | $0.55 | $6.00 | |
Emergency services aircraft (all types) |
No charge
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | Facilities Management | Tyagarah Aerodrome | Landing fees | Commercial Visiting | ||||
GA < 2000kg MTOW | $14.55 | $1.45 | $16.00 | |
GA > 2000kg MTOW | $19.09 | $1.91 | $21.00 | |
Ultralights, gliders | $10.00 | $1.00 | $11.00 | |
Emergency services aircraft |
No charge
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | Facilities Management | Tyagarah Aerodrome | Landing fees | Non-commercial Resident | ||||
GA <2000kg MTOW |
Unlimited landing fees included in annual Non-commercial Airstrip Access Registration Fees
GA >2000kg MTOW |
Unlimited landing fees included in annual Non-commercial Airstrip Access Registration Fees
Ultralights, gliders |
Unlimited landing fees included in annual Non-commercial Airstrip Access Registration Fees |
Emergency services aircraft |
No charge
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | Facilities Management | Tyagarah Aerodrome | Landing fees | Non-commercial Visiting | ||||
GA <2000kg MTOW | $10.00 | $1.00 | $11.00 | |
GA >2000kg MTOW | $15.45 | $1.55 | $17.00 | |
Ultralights, gliders | $5.45 | $0.55 | $6.00 | |
Emergency service aircraft |
No charge |
Private/Non-commercial/Aircraft/Helicopters - per landing, additional to landing fees
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | Facilities Management | Tyagarah Aerodrome | Parking fees | Commercial Resident | ||||
GA <2000kg MTOW | $14.55 | $1.45 | $16.00 | |
GA >2000kg MTOW | $19.09 | $1.91 | $21.00 | |
Ultralights, gliders | $10.00 | $1.00 | $11.00 | |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | Facilities Management | Tyagarah Aerodrome | Parking fees | Commercial Visiting | ||||
GA <2000kg MTOW | $19.09 | $1.91 | $21.00 | |
GA >2000kg MTOW | $24.55 | $2.45 | $27.00 | |
Ultralights, gliders | $14.55 | $1.45 | $16.00 | |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | Facilities Management | Tyagarah Aerodrome | Parking fees | Non-commercial Resident | ||||
GA <2000kg MTOW | $10.00 | $1.00 | $11.00 | |
GA >2000kg MTOW | $15.45 | $1.55 | $17.00 | |
Ultralights, gliders | $5.45 | $0.55 | $6.00 | |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | Facilities Management | Tyagarah Aerodrome | Parking fees | Non-commercial Visiting | ||||
GA <2000kg MTOW | $14.55 | $1.45 | $16.00 | |
GA >2000kg MTOW | $19.09 | $1.91 | $21.00 | |
Ultralights, gliders | $10.00 | $1.00 | $11.00 | |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | Facilities Management | Byron Bay Wetlands | ||||
Birdwatching access tag | $50.00 | $0.00 | $50.00 | |
Includes access tag and two years access to the wetland |
Application for two years access to Byron Wetlands | $25.00 | $0.00 | $25.00 | |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | Facilities Management | Byron Bay Wetlands | Wetlands Interpretive Centre Meeting Room | ||||
Room Hire | $90.91 | $9.09 | $100.00 | |
This fee covers cleaning of the meeting room. The room is available between 8.00am and 5.00pm An additional $50.00 will be charged if the gate access tag is not returned after the meeting. |
Usage charge at electric vehicle charging station DC (fast) - kWh | $0.41 | $0.04 | $0.45 | |
Byron Bay Library and Mullumbimby Administration per kilowatt-hour |
Usage charge at electric vehicle charging stations AC (medium)- kWh | $0.27 | $0.03 | $0.30 | |
Byron Bay Library and Mullumbimby Administration per kilowatt-hour |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | Land Management | Operational land | ||||
Sale value |
Set by Market Valuation or tender
Plus survey, valuation, legal, transfer and other associated expenses |
At cost + 15%
Land sale application fee |
Adjistment of operational land |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | Land Management | Temporary licence - Activities on Council public land | Standard Rate - Weddings | ||||
Inspection fee | $206.36 | $20.64 | $227.00 | |
Per hour
Application fee | $110.00 | $11.00 | $121.00 | |
c116 LG (General) Regulations and S.46 LG Act
Urgency fee | $121.82 | $12.18 | $134.00 | |
When application is lodged less than 14 days before a wedding (subject to confirmation that service is available) |
Licence fee – max 10 people | $126.36 | $12.64 | $139.00 | |
Licence fee – 11 to 50 people | $238.18 | $23.82 | $262.00 | |
Licence fee – 51 to 100 people | $308.18 | $30.82 | $339.00 | |
Licence fee – 101 to 150 people | $414.55 | $41.45 | $456.00 | |
Note: 150 people is licence limit
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | Land Management | Temporary licence - Activities on Council public land | Standard Rate - Other activities | ||||
Inspection fee | $206.36 | $20.64 | $227.00 | |
Per hour
Application fee | $206.36 | $20.64 | $227.00 | |
Licence fee | $181.82 | $18.18 | $200.00 | |
Per day
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | Land Management | Temporary licence - Activities on Council public land | Community Rate | ||||
Inspection fee | $206.36 | $20.64 | $227.00 | |
Per hour
Application fee |
No charge
Licence fee |
No charge
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | Land Management | Temporary licence - Activities on Council public land | Commercial Rate | ||||
Inspection fee | $206.36 | $20.64 | $227.00 | |
Per hour
Application fee | $262.73 | $26.27 | $289.00 | |
Licence fee – 1 to 7 days | $366.36 | $36.64 | $403.00 | |
Per day
Licence fee – 8 to 21 days | $250.91 | $25.09 | $276.00 | |
Per day
Licence fee – more than 21 days | $174.55 | $17.45 | $192.00 | |
Per day
Bond |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | Land Management | Temporary licence - Activities on Council public land | Private Rate | ||||
Inspection fee | $206.36 | $20.64 | $227.00 | |
Per hour
Application fee | $262.73 | $26.27 | $289.00 | |
Licence fee – 1 to 7 days | $3,658.18 | $365.82 | $4,024.00 | |
Per day
Licence fee – 8 to 21 days | $2,520.91 | $252.09 | $2,773.00 | |
Per day
Licence fee – more than 21 days | $1,737.27 | $173.73 | $1,911.00 | |
Per day
Bond |
Min $2,000.00
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | Land Management | Temporary licence - Activities on Crown Reserves | Standard Rate - Weddings | ||||
Inspection fee | $206.36 | $20.64 | $227.00 | |
Per hour
Application fee | $110.00 | $11.00 | $121.00 | |
Native Title search fee | $48.18 | $4.82 | $53.00 | |
Native Title Manager report is a condition precedent to the grant of a lease or licence on Crown Land s8.7 CLMA |
Licence fee – max 10 people | $126.36 | $12.64 | $139.00 | |
S108 Crown Lands Act
Licence fee – 11 to 50 people | $238.18 | $23.82 | $262.00 | |
Licence fee – 51 to 100 people | $308.18 | $30.82 | $339.00 | |
Licence fee – 101 to 150 people | $414.55 | $41.45 | $456.00 | |
Note: 150 people is licence limit
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | Land Management | Temporary licence - Activities on Crown Reserves | Standard Rate - Other activities | ||||
Inspection fee | $206.36 | $20.64 | $227.00 | |
Per hour
Application fee | $206.36 | $20.64 | $227.00 | |
Native Title search fee | $48.18 | $4.82 | $53.00 | |
Native Title Manager report is a condition precedent to the grant of a lease or licence on Crown Land s8.7 CLMA |
Licence fee | $181.82 | $18.18 | $200.00 | |
Per day
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | Land Management | Temporary licence - Activities on Crown Reserves | Community Rate | ||||
Inspection fee | $206.36 | $20.64 | $227.00 | |
Per hour
Application fee |
No charge
Licence fee |
No charge
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | Land Management | Temporary licence - Activities on Crown Reserves | Commercial Rate | ||||
Inspection fee | $206.36 | $20.64 | $227.00 | |
Per hour
Application fee | $262.73 | $26.27 | $289.00 | |
Native Title search fee | $48.18 | $4.82 | $53.00 | |
Native Title Manager report is a condition precedent to the grant of a lease or licence on Crown Land s8.7 CLMA |
Licence fee – 1 to 7 days | $366.36 | $36.64 | $403.00 | |
Per day
Licence fee – 8 to 21 days | $250.91 | $25.09 | $276.00 | |
Per day
Licence fee – more than 21 days | $174.55 | $17.45 | $192.00 | |
Per day
Bond |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | Land Management | Temporary licence - Activities on Crown Reserves | Private Rate | ||||
Inspection fee | $206.36 | $20.64 | $227.00 | |
Per hour
Application fee | $262.73 | $26.27 | $289.00 | |
Native Title search fee | $48.18 | $4.82 | $53.00 | |
Native Title Manager report is a condition precedent to the grant of a lease or licence on Crown Land s8.7 CLMA |
Licence fee – 1 to 7 days | $3,658.18 | $365.82 | $4,024.00 | |
Per day
Licence fee – 8 to 21 days | $2,520.91 | $252.09 | $2,773.00 | |
Per day
Licence fee – more than 21 days | $1,737.27 | $173.73 | $1,911.00 | |
Per day
Bond |
Min $2,000.00
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | Land Management | Licences - Non-temporary commercial activities on Crown Reserves | ||||
Sub-licence fee – Beach access commercial horse riding | $1,963.00 | $0.00 | $1,963.00 | |
Per annum
Inspection fee | $206.36 | $20.64 | $227.00 | |
Per hour
Sub-licence fee – Commercial surf school | $6,243.00 | $0.00 | $6,243.00 | |
Commercial Activities Policy, S.102 Crown Lands Act and 34A Crown Licence
Sub-licence fee – Personalised surf school | $2,834.00 | $0.00 | $2,834.00 | |
Sub-licence fee – Stand up paddle board school | $1,198.00 | $0.00 | $1,198.00 | |
Sub-licence fee – Commercial sea kayaks | $31,212.00 | $0.00 | $31,212.00 | |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | Land Management | Licences - Market activities on Council land (excluding The Cavanbah Centre) | ||||
Per day / Per Vehicle fee for Event or Market Vehicle Parking on Dening Park | $10.91 | $1.09 | $12.00 | |
Inspection fee | $206.36 | $20.64 | $227.00 | |
Per hour
Application fee | $262.73 | $26.27 | $289.00 | |
Sustainable Community Market Policy, c.116 LG (General) Regulations and S.46 LG Act
0 to 50 stalls x number of market days | $140.00 | $14.00 | $154.00 | |
51 to 100 stalls x number of market days | $210.91 | $21.09 | $232.00 | |
101 to 150 stalls x number of market days | $281.82 | $28.18 | $310.00 | |
151 to 200 stalls x number of market days | $352.73 | $35.27 | $388.00 | |
201 to 250 stalls x number of market days | $421.82 | $42.18 | $464.00 | |
251 to 300 stalls x number of market days | $492.73 | $49.27 | $542.00 | |
301 + stalls x number of market days | $563.64 | $56.36 | $620.00 | |
Bond |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | Land Management | Leases and Licences | ||||
Airfield Commercial Access licence fee |
Price on issue of licence
Per annum
Documentation preparation fee | $575.45 | $57.55 | $633.00 | |
Min fee for less than 3 hours
Plus survey, valuation, legal, registration, and other associated expenses |
At cost + 10%
Lease/Licence fee |
Market Valuation or competitive process
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | Holiday Parks | Suffolk Beachfront Holiday Park | Onsite Accommodation | Suffolk Beachfront Holiday Park - Peak | Peak - Day | ||||
A Class cabin | $242.73 | $24.27 | $267.00 | |
Casuarina Safari Tent | $279.09 | $27.91 | $307.00 | |
Lilli Pilli Safari Tent | $237.27 | $23.73 | $261.00 | |
Melaleuca Safari Tent | $242.73 | $24.27 | $267.00 | |
Tuckeroo Safari Tent | $146.36 | $14.64 | $161.00 | |
One night surcharge | $50.00 | $5.00 | $55.00 | |
Extra Adult | $20.00 | $2.00 | $22.00 | |
Extra Child (4-16, or school age, with parent) | $9.09 | $0.91 | $10.00 | |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | Holiday Parks | Suffolk Beachfront Holiday Park | Onsite Accommodation | Suffolk Beachfront Holiday Park - Peak | Peak - Week | ||||
A Class cabin | $1,699.09 | $169.91 | $1,869.00 | |
Casuarina Safari Tent | $1,953.64 | $195.36 | $2,149.00 | |
Lilli Pilli Safari Tent | $1,660.91 | $166.09 | $1,827.00 | |
Melaleuca Safari Tent | $1,699.09 | $169.91 | $1,869.00 | |
Tuckeroo Safari Tent | $1,024.55 | $102.45 | $1,127.00 | |
Extra Adult | $146.36 | $14.64 | $161.00 | |
Extra Child (4-16, or school age, with parent) | $63.64 | $6.36 | $70.00 | |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | Holiday Parks | Suffolk Beachfront Holiday Park | Onsite Accommodation | Suffolk Beachfront Holiday Park - High (7 night minimum) | High - Day | ||||
A Class cabin | $195.45 | $19.55 | $215.00 | |
Casuarina Safari Tent | $227.27 | $22.73 | $250.00 | |
Lilli Pilli Safari Tent | $192.73 | $19.27 | $212.00 | |
Melaleuca Safari Tent | $195.45 | $19.55 | $215.00 | |
Tuckeroo Safari Tent | $127.27 | $12.73 | $140.00 | |
One night surcharge | $50.00 | $5.00 | $55.00 | |
Extra Adult | $20.91 | $2.09 | $23.00 | |
Extra Child (4-16, or school age, with parent) | $9.09 | $0.91 | $10.00 | |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | Holiday Parks | Suffolk Beachfront Holiday Park | Onsite Accommodation | Suffolk Beachfront Holiday Park - High (7 night minimum) | High - Week | ||||
A Class cabin | $1,368.18 | $136.82 | $1,505.00 | |
Casuarina Safari Tent | $1,590.91 | $159.09 | $1,750.00 | |
Lilli Pilli Safari Tent | $1,349.09 | $134.91 | $1,484.00 | |
Melaleuca Safari Tent | $1,368.18 | $136.82 | $1,505.00 | |
Tuckeroo Safari Tent | $890.91 | $89.09 | $980.00 | |
Extra Adult | $146.36 | $14.64 | $161.00 | |
Per week
Extra Child (4-16, or school age, with parent) | $63.64 | $6.36 | $70.00 | |
Per week
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | Holiday Parks | Suffolk Beachfront Holiday Park | Onsite Accommodation | Suffolk Beachfront Holiday Park - Shoulder (7 night minimum) | Shoulder - Day | ||||
A Class cabin | $176.36 | $17.64 | $194.00 | |
Casuarina Safari Tent | $186.36 | $18.64 | $205.00 | |
Lilli Pilli Safari Tent | $173.64 | $17.36 | $191.00 | |
Melaleuca Safari Tent | $176.36 | $17.64 | $194.00 | |
Tuckeroo Safari Tent | $100.00 | $10.00 | $110.00 | |
One night surcharge | $50.00 | $5.00 | $55.00 | |
Extra Adult | $20.91 | $2.09 | $23.00 | |
Extra Child (4-16, or school age, with parent) | $9.09 | $0.91 | $10.00 | |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | Holiday Parks | Suffolk Beachfront Holiday Park | Onsite Accommodation | Suffolk Beachfront Holiday Park - Shoulder (7 night minimum) | Shoulder - Week | ||||
A Class cabin | $1,234.55 | $123.45 | $1,358.00 | |
Casuarina Safari Tent | $1,304.55 | $130.45 | $1,435.00 | |
Lilli Pilli Safari Tent | $1,215.45 | $121.55 | $1,337.00 | |
Melaleuca Safari Tent | $1,234.55 | $123.45 | $1,358.00 | |
Tuckeroo Safari Tent | $700.00 | $70.00 | $770.00 | |
Extra Adult | $146.36 | $14.64 | $161.00 | |
Extra Child (4-16, or school age, with parent) | $63.64 | $6.36 | $70.00 | |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | Holiday Parks | Suffolk Beachfront Holiday Park | Onsite Accommodation | Suffolk Beachfront Holiday Park - Low | Low - Midweek Day (Sunday to Thursday) | ||||
A Class cabin | $148.18 | $14.82 | $163.00 | |
Casuarina Safari Tent | $159.09 | $15.91 | $175.00 | |
Lilli Pilli Safari Tent | $141.82 | $14.18 | $156.00 | |
Melaleuca Safari Tent | $148.18 | $14.82 | $163.00 | |
Tuckeroo Safari Tent | $93.64 | $9.36 | $103.00 | |
One night surcharge | $50.00 | $5.00 | $55.00 | |
Extra Adult | $20.91 | $2.09 | $23.00 | |
Extra Child (4-16, or school age, with parent) | $9.09 | $0.91 | $10.00 | |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | Holiday Parks | Suffolk Beachfront Holiday Park | Onsite Accommodation | Suffolk Beachfront Holiday Park - Low | Low - Weekend Day (Friday and Saturday) 2 night minimum | ||||
A Class cabin | $176.36 | $17.64 | $194.00 | |
Casuarina Safari Tent | $186.36 | $18.64 | $205.00 | |
Lilli Pilli Safari Tent | $173.64 | $17.36 | $191.00 | |
Melaleuca Safari Tent | $176.36 | $17.64 | $194.00 | |
Tuckeroo Safari Tent | $100.00 | $10.00 | $110.00 | |
One night surcharge | $50.00 | $5.00 | $55.00 | |
Extra Adult | $20.91 | $2.09 | $23.00 | |
Extra Child (4-16, or school age, with parent) | $9.09 | $0.91 | $10.00 | |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | Holiday Parks | Suffolk Beachfront Holiday Park | Onsite Accommodation | Suffolk Beachfront Holiday Park - Low | Low - Week (stay 7 nights pay for 6) | ||||
A Class cabin | $889.09 | $88.91 | $978.00 | |
Casuarina Safari Tent | $954.55 | $95.45 | $1,050.00 | |
Lilli Pilli Safari Tent | $850.91 | $85.09 | $936.00 | |
Melaleuca Safari Tent | $889.09 | $88.91 | $978.00 | |
Tuckeroo Safari Tent | $561.82 | $56.18 | $618.00 | |
Extra Adult | $125.45 | $12.55 | $138.00 | |
Extra Child (4-16, or school age, with parent) | $54.55 | $5.45 | $60.00 | |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | Holiday Parks | Suffolk Beachfront Holiday Park | Onsite Accommodation | Suffolk Beachfront Holiday Park - Low | Low - Pack (stay 4 nights pay for 3, Sunday to Thursday) | ||||
A Class cabin | $444.55 | $44.45 | $489.00 | |
Casuarina Safari Tent | $477.27 | $47.73 | $525.00 | |
Lilli Pilli Safari Tent | $425.45 | $42.55 | $468.00 | |
Melaleuca Safari Tent | $444.55 | $44.45 | $489.00 | |
Tuckeroo Safari Tent | $280.91 | $28.09 | $309.00 | |
Extra Adult | $83.64 | $8.36 | $92.00 | |
Extra Child (4-16, or school age, with parent) | $36.36 | $3.64 | $40.00 | |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | Holiday Parks | Suffolk Beachfront Holiday Park | Onsite Accommodation | Suffolk Beachfront Holiday Park - Schoolies | ||||
Tuckeroo Safari Tent (per week) | $953.64 | $95.36 | $1,049.00 | |
Max 3 people
Security bond | $546.00 | $0.00 | $546.00 | |
Per booking, payable by credit card when final balance is paid
Lilli Pilli Safari tents (per week) | $1,564.55 | $156.45 | $1,721.00 | |
Max 4 persons
Deposit (non-refundable) | $545.45 | $54.55 | $600.00 | |
Per room, payable at time of booking and balance by 30/9/2022
Cabins (per week) | $1,808.18 | $180.82 | $1,989.00 | |
Max 4 people
Melaleuca Safari Tent (per week) | $1,808.18 | $180.82 | $1,989.00 | |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | Holiday Parks | Suffolk Beachfront Holiday Park | Suffolk Beachfront Holiday Park - Caravan and Camping Sites | Suffolk Beachfront Holiday Park - Peak | Peak - Day | ||||
Extra car/boat/trailer space | $20.91 | $2.09 | $23.00 | |
Only if space available on the site
Powered site | $87.27 | $8.73 | $96.00 | |
Extra Adult | $20.91 | $2.09 | $23.00 | |
Extra Child (4-16, or school age, with parent) | $9.09 | $0.91 | $10.00 | |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | Holiday Parks | Suffolk Beachfront Holiday Park | Suffolk Beachfront Holiday Park - Caravan and Camping Sites | Suffolk Beachfront Holiday Park - Peak | Peak - Week | ||||
Powered site | $610.91 | $61.09 | $672.00 | |
Weekly stay - fees cover 2 adults
Extra Adult | $146.36 | $14.64 | $161.00 | |
Extra Child (4-16, or school age, with parent) | $63.64 | $6.36 | $70.00 | |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | Holiday Parks | Suffolk Beachfront Holiday Park | Suffolk Beachfront Holiday Park - Caravan and Camping Sites | Suffolk Beachfront Holiday Park - High | High - Day | ||||
Extra car/boat/trailer space | $20.91 | $2.09 | $23.00 | |
Only if space available on the site
Powered site | $70.00 | $7.00 | $77.00 | |
Fees cover 2 adults
Extra Adult | $20.91 | $2.09 | $23.00 | |
Extra Child (4-16, or school age, with parent) | $9.09 | $0.91 | $10.00 | |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | Holiday Parks | Suffolk Beachfront Holiday Park | Suffolk Beachfront Holiday Park - Caravan and Camping Sites | Suffolk Beachfront Holiday Park - High | High - Week | ||||
Powered site | $490.00 | $49.00 | $539.00 | |
Extra Adult | $146.36 | $14.64 | $161.00 | |
Extra Child (4-16, or school age, with parent) | $63.64 | $6.36 | $70.00 | |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | Holiday Parks | Suffolk Beachfront Holiday Park | Suffolk Beachfront Holiday Park - Caravan and Camping Sites | Suffolk Beachfront Holiday Park - Shoulder | Shoulder - Day | ||||
Extra car/boat/trailer space | $20.91 | $2.09 | $23.00 | |
Only if space available on the site
Powered site | $57.27 | $5.73 | $63.00 | |
Extra Adult | $20.91 | $2.09 | $23.00 | |
Extra Child (4-16, or school age, with parent) | $9.09 | $0.91 | $10.00 | |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | Holiday Parks | Suffolk Beachfront Holiday Park | Suffolk Beachfront Holiday Park - Caravan and Camping Sites | Suffolk Beachfront Holiday Park - Shoulder | Shoulder - Week | ||||
Powered site | $400.91 | $40.09 | $441.00 | |
Extra Adult | $146.36 | $14.64 | $161.00 | |
Extra Child (4-16, or school age, with parent) | $63.64 | $6.36 | $70.00 | |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | Holiday Parks | Suffolk Beachfront Holiday Park | Suffolk Beachfront Holiday Park - Caravan and Camping Sites | Suffolk Beachfront Holiday Park - Low | Low - Midweek Day (Sunday to Thursday) | ||||
Extra car/boat/trailer space | $20.91 | $2.09 | $23.00 | |
Only if space available on the site
Powered site | $42.73 | $4.27 | $47.00 | |
Extra Adult | $20.91 | $2.09 | $23.00 | |
Extra Child (4-16, or school age, with parent) | $9.09 | $0.91 | $10.00 | |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | Holiday Parks | Suffolk Beachfront Holiday Park | Suffolk Beachfront Holiday Park - Caravan and Camping Sites | Suffolk Beachfront Holiday Park - Low | Low - Weekend Day (Friday and Saturday) | ||||
Extra car/boat/trailer space | $20.91 | $2.09 | $23.00 | |
Only if space available on the site
Powered site | $50.00 | $5.00 | $55.00 | |
Extra Adult | $20.91 | $2.09 | $23.00 | |
Extra Child (4-16, or school age, with parent) | $9.09 | $0.91 | $10.00 | |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | Holiday Parks | Suffolk Beachfront Holiday Park | Suffolk Beachfront Holiday Park - Caravan and Camping Sites | Suffolk Beachfront Holiday Park - Low | Low - Week (stay 7 pay for 6) | ||||
Powered site | $261.82 | $26.18 | $288.00 | |
Extra Adult | $125.45 | $12.55 | $138.00 | |
Extra Child (4-16, or school age, with parent) | $54.55 | $5.45 | $60.00 | |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | Holiday Parks | Suffolk Beachfront Holiday Park | Suffolk Beachfront Holiday Park - Caravan and Camping Sites | Suffolk Beachfront Holiday Park - Low | Low - Pack (stay 4 nights pay for 3, Sunday to Thursday) | ||||
Powered site | $128.18 | $12.82 | $141.00 | |
Extra Child (4-16, or school age, with parent) | $36.36 | $3.64 | $40.00 | |
Extra Adult | $83.64 | $8.36 | $92.00 | |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | Holiday Parks | Suffolk Beachfront Holiday Park | Suffolk Beachfront Holiday Park - Caravan and Camping Sites | Suffolk Beachfront Holiday Park - Schoolies | ||||
Per person, per night | $73.64 | $7.36 | $81.00 | |
Security bond | $546.00 | $0.00 | $546.00 | |
Payable with credit card when final balance is paid
Deposit (non-refundable) | $272.73 | $27.27 | $300.00 | |
Payable at time of booking and balance paid by 30th September.
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | Holiday Parks | Suffolk Beachfront Holiday Park | Additional Charges | ||||
Change of linen inside 7 day stay – towels | $1.82 | $0.18 | $2.00 | |
Change of linen inside 7 day stay – double/queen sheet set | $13.64 | $1.36 | $15.00 | |
Visitor contribution | $1.82 | $0.18 | $2.00 | |
Per booking
Change of linen inside 7 day stay – single sheet set | $9.09 | $0.91 | $10.00 | |
One night surcharge – cleaning fee | $50.00 | $5.00 | $55.00 | |
Applicable for stays of only one night
Laundry – washing machine and dryer | $4.55 | $0.45 | $5.00 | |
Per cycle
Cleaning fee | $50.00 | $5.00 | $55.00 | |
Applied to guests requesting a clean during their stay, or on departure (cabins, safari tents and onsite van)
Late Departure fee | $30.00 | $3.00 | $33.00 | |
Applied when guests depart after 10.00am NSW time. Latest time for checkout is 2.00pm and subject to availability and Park Manager's discretion. A 50% charge of the day rate will apply to cabins and is also subject to availability and Park Manager's discretion.
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | Holiday Parks | Suffolk Beachfront Holiday Park | Payments for bookings | ||||
Christmas | $249.09 | $24.91 | $274.00 | |
Balance to be paid prior to 30 October
Other school holidays and booking periods | $100.00 | $10.00 | $110.00 | |
Balance to be paid two weeks prior to arrival
Easter | $249.09 | $24.91 | $274.00 | |
Balance to be paid prior to 28 February
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | Holiday Parks | First Sun Holiday Park | Cabin Accommodation | First Sun Holiday Park - Peak | Peak - Day | ||||
Easy Access Cabin | $421.82 | $42.18 | $464.00 | |
Ocean View Cabin | $551.82 | $55.18 | $607.00 | |
Seahorse Cabin | $471.82 | $47.18 | $519.00 | |
Starfish Cabin | $461.82 | $46.18 | $508.00 | |
Starfish Ocean Views | $506.36 | $50.64 | $557.00 | |
Extra Adult | $24.55 | $2.45 | $27.00 | |
Extra Child (4-16, or school age, with parent) | $13.64 | $1.36 | $15.00 | |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | Holiday Parks | First Sun Holiday Park | Cabin Accommodation | First Sun Holiday Park - Peak | Peak - Week | ||||
Easy Access Cabin | $2,952.73 | $295.27 | $3,248.00 | |
Ocean View Cabin | $3,862.73 | $386.27 | $4,249.00 | |
Seahorse Cabin | $3,302.73 | $330.27 | $3,633.00 | |
Starfish Cabin | $3,232.73 | $323.27 | $3,556.00 | |
Starfish Ocean Views | $3,544.55 | $354.45 | $3,899.00 | |
Extra Adult | $171.82 | $17.18 | $189.00 | |
Extra Child (4-16, or school age, with parent) | $95.45 | $9.55 | $105.00 | |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | Holiday Parks | First Sun Holiday Park | Cabin Accommodation | First Sun Holiday Park - High | High - Day | ||||
Easy Access Cabin | $312.73 | $31.27 | $344.00 | |
Ocean View Cabin | $447.27 | $44.73 | $492.00 | |
Seahorse Cabin | $387.27 | $38.73 | $426.00 | |
Starfish Cabin | $372.73 | $37.27 | $410.00 | |
Starfish Ocean Views | $411.82 | $41.18 | $453.00 | |
Extra Adult | $24.55 | $2.45 | $27.00 | |
Extra Child (4-16, or school age, with parent) | $13.64 | $1.36 | $15.00 | |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | Holiday Parks | First Sun Holiday Park | Cabin Accommodation | First Sun Holiday Park - High | High - Week | ||||
Easy Access Cabin | $2,189.09 | $218.91 | $2,408.00 | |
Ocean View Cabin | $3,130.91 | $313.09 | $3,444.00 | |
Seahorse Cabin | $2,710.91 | $271.09 | $2,982.00 | |
Starfish Cabin | $2,609.09 | $260.91 | $2,870.00 | |
Starfish Ocean Views | $2,882.73 | $288.27 | $3,171.00 | |
Extra Adult | $171.82 | $17.18 | $189.00 | |
Extra Child (4-16, or school age, with parent) | $95.45 | $9.55 | $105.00 | |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | Holiday Parks | First Sun Holiday Park | Cabin Accommodation | First Sun Holiday Park - Shoulder | Shoulder - Day | ||||
Easy Access Cabin | $253.64 | $25.36 | $279.00 | |
Ocean View Cabin | $392.73 | $39.27 | $432.00 | |
Seahorse Cabin | $302.73 | $30.27 | $333.00 | |
Starfish Cabin | $292.73 | $29.27 | $322.00 | |
Starfish Ocean Views | $358.18 | $35.82 | $394.00 | |
Extra Adult | $24.55 | $2.45 | $27.00 | |
Extra Child (4-16, or school age, with parent) | $13.64 | $1.36 | $15.00 | |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | Holiday Parks | First Sun Holiday Park | Cabin Accommodation | First Sun Holiday Park - Shoulder | Shoulder - Week | ||||
Ocean View Cabin | $2,749.09 | $274.91 | $3,024.00 | |
Easy Access Cabin | $1,775.45 | $177.55 | $1,953.00 | |
Seahorse Cabin | $2,119.09 | $211.91 | $2,331.00 | |
Starfish Cabin | $2,049.09 | $204.91 | $2,254.00 | |
Starfish Ocean Views | $2,507.27 | $250.73 | $2,758.00 | |
Extra Adult | $171.82 | $17.18 | $189.00 | |
Extra Child (4-16, or school age, with parent) | $95.45 | $9.55 | $105.00 | |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | Holiday Parks | First Sun Holiday Park | Cabin Accommodation | First Sun Holiday Park - Low | Low - Sun-Thu | ||||
Easy Access Cabin | $210.91 | $21.09 | $232.00 | |
Ocean View Cabin | $298.18 | $29.82 | $328.00 | |
Seahorse Cabin | $243.64 | $24.36 | $268.00 | |
Starfish Cabin | $232.73 | $23.27 | $256.00 | |
Starfish Ocean Views | $268.18 | $26.82 | $295.00 | |
Extra Adult | $24.55 | $2.45 | $27.00 | |
Extra Child (4-16, or school age, with parent) | $13.64 | $1.36 | $15.00 | |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | Holiday Parks | First Sun Holiday Park | Cabin Accommodation | First Sun Holiday Park - Low | Low - Fri/Sat | ||||
Easy Access Cabin | $217.27 | $21.73 | $239.00 | |
Ocean View Cabin | $322.73 | $32.27 | $355.00 | |
Seahorse Cabin | $262.73 | $26.27 | $289.00 | |
Starfish Cabin | $253.64 | $25.36 | $279.00 | |
Starfish Ocean Views | $292.73 | $29.27 | $322.00 | |
Extra Adult | $24.55 | $2.45 | $27.00 | |
Extra Child (4-16, or school age, with parent) | $13.64 | $1.36 | $15.00 | |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | Holiday Parks | First Sun Holiday Park | Cabin Accommodation | First Sun Holiday Park - Low | Low - Week | ||||
Easy Access Cabin | $1,278.18 | $127.82 | $1,406.00 | |
Ocean View Cabin | $1,838.18 | $183.82 | $2,022.00 | |
Seahorse Cabin | $1,500.00 | $150.00 | $1,650.00 | |
Starfish Cabin | $1,438.18 | $143.82 | $1,582.00 | |
Starfish Ocean Views | $1,658.18 | $165.82 | $1,824.00 | |
Extra Adult | $171.82 | $17.18 | $189.00 | |
Extra Child (4-16, or school age, with parent) | $95.45 | $9.55 | $105.00 | |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | Holiday Parks | First Sun Holiday Park | Cabin Accommodation | First Sun Holiday Park - Schoolies | ||||
Security bond | $550.00 | $0.00 | $550.00 | |
Per cabin. Payable with credit card when final balance is paid.
Deposit (non-refundable) | $600.91 | $60.09 | $661.00 | |
Per cabin. Payable at time of booking and balance due by 30th September.
Seahorse Cabin (per week) | $3,890.91 | $389.09 | $4,280.00 | |
Max 4 people
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | Holiday Parks | First Sun Holiday Park | First Sun Holiday Park - Lodge Accommodation | First Sun Holiday Park - Peak | Peak - Day | ||||
Lodging with Ensuite | $253.64 | $25.36 | $279.00 | |
Lodging – Shared Amenities | $208.18 | $20.82 | $229.00 | |
One night surcharge | $36.36 | $3.64 | $40.00 | |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | Holiday Parks | First Sun Holiday Park | First Sun Holiday Park - Lodge Accommodation | First Sun Holiday Park - Peak | Peak - Week | ||||
Lodging with Ensuite | $1,775.45 | $177.55 | $1,953.00 | |
Lodging – Shared Amenities | $1,457.27 | $145.73 | $1,603.00 | |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | Holiday Parks | First Sun Holiday Park | First Sun Holiday Park - Lodge Accommodation | First Sun Holiday Park - High | High - Day | ||||
Lodging with Ensuite | $193.64 | $19.36 | $213.00 | |
Lodging – Shared Amenities | $168.18 | $16.82 | $185.00 | |
One night surcharge | $36.36 | $3.64 | $40.00 | |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | Holiday Parks | First Sun Holiday Park | First Sun Holiday Park - Lodge Accommodation | First Sun Holiday Park - High | High - Week | ||||
Lodging with Ensuite | $1,355.45 | $135.55 | $1,491.00 | |
Lodging – Shared Amenities | $1,177.27 | $117.73 | $1,295.00 | |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | Holiday Parks | First Sun Holiday Park | First Sun Holiday Park - Lodge Accommodation | First Sun Holiday Park - Shoulder | Shoulder - Day | ||||
Lodging with Ensuite | $173.64 | $17.36 | $191.00 | |
Lodging – Shared Amenities | $133.64 | $13.36 | $147.00 | |
One night surcharge | $36.36 | $3.64 | $40.00 | |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | Holiday Parks | First Sun Holiday Park | First Sun Holiday Park - Lodge Accommodation | First Sun Holiday Park - Shoulder | Shoulder - Week | ||||
Lodging with Ensuite | $1,215.45 | $121.55 | $1,337.00 | |
Lodging – Shared Amenities | $935.45 | $93.55 | $1,029.00 | |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | Holiday Parks | First Sun Holiday Park | First Sun Holiday Park - Lodge Accommodation | First Sun Holiday Park - Low | Low - Sun-Thu | ||||
Lodging with Ensuite | $129.09 | $12.91 | $142.00 | |
Lodging – Shared Amenities | $99.09 | $9.91 | $109.00 | |
One night surcharge | $36.36 | $3.64 | $40.00 | |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | Holiday Parks | First Sun Holiday Park | First Sun Holiday Park - Lodge Accommodation | First Sun Holiday Park - Low | Low - Fri/Sat | ||||
Lodging with Ensuite | $143.64 | $14.36 | $158.00 | |
Lodging – Shared Amenities | $124.55 | $12.45 | $137.00 | |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | Holiday Parks | First Sun Holiday Park | First Sun Holiday Park - Lodge Accommodation | First Sun Holiday Park - Low | Low - Week | ||||
Lodging with Ensuite | $803.64 | $80.36 | $884.00 | |
Lodging – Shared Amenities | $645.45 | $64.55 | $710.00 | |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | Holiday Parks | First Sun Holiday Park | First Sun Holiday Park - Lodge Accommodation | First Sun Holiday Park - Schoolies | ||||
Lodging with Ensuite (per week) | $1,940.91 | $194.09 | $2,135.00 | |
Max 2 people
Lodging – Shared Amenities (per week) | $1,737.27 | $173.73 | $1,911.00 | |
Max 2 people
Security bond | $550.00 | $0.00 | $550.00 | |
Per lodging. Payable by credit card when final balance is paid.
Deposit (non-refundable) | $600.91 | $60.09 | $661.00 | |
Per cabin. Payable at time of booking and balance due by 30th September.
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | Holiday Parks | First Sun Holiday Park | First Sun Holiday Park - Hippy Huts with ensuite | First Sun Holiday Park - Peak | Peak - Day | ||||
Hut 4 | $387.27 | $38.73 | $426.00 | |
Hut 1, 2, 3, 5 and 6 | $397.27 | $39.73 | $437.00 | |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | Holiday Parks | First Sun Holiday Park | First Sun Holiday Park - Hippy Huts with ensuite | First Sun Holiday Park - Peak | Peak - Week | ||||
Hut 4 | $2,710.91 | $271.09 | $2,982.00 | |
Hut 1, 2, 3, 5 and 6 | $2,780.91 | $278.09 | $3,059.00 | |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | Holiday Parks | First Sun Holiday Park | First Sun Holiday Park - Hippy Huts with ensuite | First Sun Holiday Park - High | High - Day | ||||
Hut 4 | $302.73 | $30.27 | $333.00 | |
Hut 1, 2, 3, 5 and 6 | $312.73 | $31.27 | $344.00 | |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | Holiday Parks | First Sun Holiday Park | First Sun Holiday Park - Hippy Huts with ensuite | First Sun Holiday Park - High | High - Week | ||||
Hut 4 | $2,119.09 | $211.91 | $2,331.00 | |
Hut 1, 2, 3, 5 and 6 | $2,189.09 | $218.91 | $2,408.00 | |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | Holiday Parks | First Sun Holiday Park | First Sun Holiday Park - Hippy Huts with ensuite | First Sun Holiday Park - Shoulder | Shoulder - Day | ||||
Hut 4 | $228.18 | $22.82 | $251.00 | |
Hut 1, 2, 3, 5 and 6 | $249.09 | $24.91 | $274.00 | |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | Holiday Parks | First Sun Holiday Park | First Sun Holiday Park - Hippy Huts with ensuite | First Sun Holiday Park - Shoulder | Shoulder - Week | ||||
Hut 4 | $1,597.27 | $159.73 | $1,757.00 | |
Hut 1, 2, 3, 5 and 6 | $1,743.64 | $174.36 | $1,918.00 | |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | Holiday Parks | First Sun Holiday Park | First Sun Holiday Park - Hippy Huts with ensuite | First Sun Holiday Park - Low | Low - Sun-Thu | ||||
Hut 4 | $189.09 | $18.91 | $208.00 | |
Hut 1, 2, 3, 5 and 6 | $203.64 | $20.36 | $224.00 | |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | Holiday Parks | First Sun Holiday Park | First Sun Holiday Park - Hippy Huts with ensuite | First Sun Holiday Park - Low | Low - Fri/Sat | ||||
Hut 4 | $208.18 | $20.82 | $229.00 | |
Hut 1, 2, 3, 5 and 6 | $213.64 | $21.36 | $235.00 | |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | Holiday Parks | First Sun Holiday Park | First Sun Holiday Park - Hippy Huts with ensuite | First Sun Holiday Park - Low | Low - Week | ||||
Hut 4 | $1,172.73 | $117.27 | $1,290.00 | |
Hut 1, 2, 3, 5 and 6 | $1,241.82 | $124.18 | $1,366.00 | |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | Holiday Parks | First Sun Holiday Park | First Sun Holiday Park - Caravan and Camping Sites | First Sun Holiday Park - Peak | Peak - Day | ||||
Waterfront Powered Site | $129.09 | $12.91 | $142.00 | |
Powered Site | $99.09 | $9.91 | $109.00 | |
Unpowered Site | $90.00 | $9.00 | $99.00 | |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | Holiday Parks | First Sun Holiday Park | First Sun Holiday Park - Caravan and Camping Sites | First Sun Holiday Park - Peak | Peak - Week | ||||
Waterfront Powered Site | $903.64 | $90.36 | $994.00 | |
Powered Site | $693.64 | $69.36 | $763.00 | |
Unpowered Site | $630.00 | $63.00 | $693.00 | |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | Holiday Parks | First Sun Holiday Park | First Sun Holiday Park - Caravan and Camping Sites | First Sun Holiday Park - High | High - Day | ||||
Waterfront Powered Site | $114.55 | $11.45 | $126.00 | |
Powered Site | $90.00 | $9.00 | $99.00 | |
Unpowered Site | $79.09 | $7.91 | $87.00 | |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | Holiday Parks | First Sun Holiday Park | First Sun Holiday Park - Caravan and Camping Sites | First Sun Holiday Park - High | High - Week | ||||
Waterfront Powered Site | $801.82 | $80.18 | $882.00 | |
Powered Site | $630.00 | $63.00 | $693.00 | |
Unpowered Site | $553.64 | $55.36 | $609.00 | |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | Holiday Parks | First Sun Holiday Park | First Sun Holiday Park - Caravan and Camping Sites | First Sun Holiday Park - Shoulder | Shoulder - Day | ||||
Waterfront Powered Site | $94.55 | $9.45 | $104.00 | |
Powered Site | $73.64 | $7.36 | $81.00 | |
Unpowered Site | $64.55 | $6.45 | $71.00 | |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | Holiday Parks | First Sun Holiday Park | First Sun Holiday Park - Caravan and Camping Sites | First Sun Holiday Park - Shoulder | Shoulder - Week | ||||
Waterfront Powered Site | $661.82 | $66.18 | $728.00 | |
Powered Site | $515.45 | $51.55 | $567.00 | |
Unpowered Site | $451.82 | $45.18 | $497.00 | |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | Holiday Parks | First Sun Holiday Park | First Sun Holiday Park - Caravan and Camping Sites | First Sun Holiday Park - Low | Low - Sun-Thu | ||||
Waterfront Powered Site | $85.45 | $8.55 | $94.00 | |
Powered Site | $64.55 | $6.45 | $71.00 | |
Unpowered Site | $55.45 | $5.55 | $61.00 | |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | Holiday Parks | First Sun Holiday Park | First Sun Holiday Park - Caravan and Camping Sites | First Sun Holiday Park - Low | Low - Fri/Sat | ||||
Waterfront Powered Site | $94.55 | $9.45 | $104.00 | |
Powered Site | $69.09 | $6.91 | $76.00 | |
Unpowered Site | $60.91 | $6.09 | $67.00 | |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | Holiday Parks | First Sun Holiday Park | First Sun Holiday Park - Caravan and Camping Sites | First Sun Holiday Park - Low | Low - Week | ||||
Waterfront Powered Site | $530.91 | $53.09 | $584.00 | |
Powered Site | $396.36 | $39.64 | $436.00 | |
Unpowered Site | $343.64 | $34.36 | $378.00 | |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | Holiday Parks | First Sun Holiday Park | First Sun Holiday Park - Caravan and Camping Sites | First Sun Holiday Park - Schoolies | ||||
Security bond | $280.00 | $0.00 | $280.00 | |
Per site. Payable with credit card when final balance is paid.
Per person, per night | $71.82 | $7.18 | $79.00 | |
Max 4 people per site
Deposit (non-refundable) | $600.91 | $60.09 | $661.00 | |
Per site. Payable at time of booking and balance due by 30th September.
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | Holiday Parks | First Sun Holiday Park | Additional Charges | ||||
Change of linen inside 7 day stay – double/queen sheet set | $13.64 | $1.36 | $15.00 | |
Change of linen inside 7 day stay – single sheet set | $9.09 | $0.91 | $10.00 | |
Change of linen inside 7 day stay – towels | $1.82 | $0.18 | $2.00 | |
Visitor contribution | $1.82 | $0.18 | $2.00 | |
Per booking
One night surcharge – cleaning fee | $35.99 | $3.60 | $39.59 | |
Applicable for stays of only one night
Car parking | $13.64 | $1.36 | $15.00 | |
Per day or part thereof, in the allocated guest carpark.
Laundry – washing machine and dryer | $5.45 | $0.55 | $6.00 | |
Per cycle
Cleaning fee – cabins | $71.82 | $7.18 | $79.00 | |
Applied when guests request a clean during their stay, or on departure.
Late Departure fee | $29.09 | $2.91 | $32.00 | |
Applied to sites and subject to availability and at Park Manager's discretion. A 50% charge of the day rate will apply to cabins and is also subject to availability and Park Manager's discretion.
Cleaning fee – lodges | $48.18 | $4.82 | $53.00 | |
Applied when guests request a clean during their stay, or on departure.
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES | Holiday Parks | First Sun Holiday Park | Payments for bookings | ||||
Other school holidays and booking periods | $90.91 | $9.09 | $100.00 | |
Balance to be paid two weeks prior to arrival
Easter | $227.27 | $22.73 | $250.00 | |
Balance to be paid prior to 28 February
Christmas | $227.27 | $22.73 | $250.00 | |
Balance to be paid prior to 30 October
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | SUSTAINABLE ENVIRONMENT AND ECONOMY | Land Planning and Natural Environment | Local Environmental Plan amendments | ||||
Correction of errors & anomalies in Byron LEP 2014 |
No charge |
Minor amendment considered suitable for annual housekeeping LEP amendment. 50% of fee refundable pre-Gateway if not supported by Council. No refund post-Gateway. | $6,800.00 | $0.00 | $6,800.00 | |
Minor Amendment (Single site and not requiring specialist review of supporting studies) - Stage 1 Pre-lodgement Meeting & Report | $5,700.00 | $0.00 | $5,700.00 | |
Minor Amendment (Single site and not requiring specialist review of supporting studies) - Stage 2 Pre Gateway | $14,700.00 | $0.00 | $14,700.00 | |
Minor Amendment (Single site and not requiring specialist review of supporting studies) - Stage 3 Post Gateway | $8,000.00 | $0.00 | $8,000.00 | |
Major Amendment (Multiple sites and/or requiring specialist review of supporting studies) - Stage 1 Pre-lodgement Meeting & Report | $11,300.00 | $0.00 | $11,300.00 | |
Major Amendment (Multiple sites and/or requiring specialist review of supporting studies) - Stage 2 Pre Gateway | $40,000.00 | $0.00 | $40,000.00 | |
Major Amendment (Multiple sites and/or requiring specialist review of supporting studies) - Stage 3 Post Gateway | $22,600.00 | $0.00 | $22,600.00 | |
Additional costs & expenses incurred by Council in providing specialist advice related to the preparation of studies, undertaking peer reviews, public hearings, referral to panels and other like matters. |
At cost
Council staff hourly rate | $227.00 | $0.00 | $227.00 | |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | SUSTAINABLE ENVIRONMENT AND ECONOMY | Land Planning and Natural Environment | Development Control Plans | ||||
Development Control Plan preparation/review under EPA Act |
Subject to cost and expenses agreement |
Preparation of costs and expenses agreement | $410.00 | $0.00 | $410.00 | |
Plus at cost for any review or amendment
Council staff hourly rate | $227.00 | $0.00 | $227.00 | |
Council appointed Consultant charges |
Contract rate
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | SUSTAINABLE ENVIRONMENT AND ECONOMY | Land Planning and Natural Environment | Planning Certificates | ||||
Section 10.7(2) of the EPA Act | $69.00 | $0.00 | $69.00 | |
The above fee of $62.00 will change from 1st July 2023 to the legislated fee which will be advised from DPIE. |
Section 10.7(2) & 10.7(5) of the EPA Act | $174.00 | $0.00 | $174.00 | |
The above fee of $156.00 will change from1st July 2023 to the legislated fee which will be advised from DPIE. |
Additional fee for 24 hour issue of Certificate | $91.00 | $0.00 | $91.00 | |
Subject to service available
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | SUSTAINABLE ENVIRONMENT AND ECONOMY | Land Planning and Natural Environment | Property Search Fee | ||||
Property search fee |
At cost + $45.00 Admin fee
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | SUSTAINABLE ENVIRONMENT AND ECONOMY | Land Planning and Natural Environment | Car sharing program | ||||
Application Fee | $527.00 | $0.00 | $527.00 | |
One off |
Installation Fee |
For new spaces One off fee |
Annual Fee per metered parking space | $422.00 | $0.00 | $422.00 | |
Annual Fee per unmetered parking space | $316.00 | $0.00 | $316.00 | |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | SUSTAINABLE ENVIRONMENT AND ECONOMY | Development Assessment | Development Application fees | ||||
A. Development not involving the erection of a building, carrying out of work or subdivision of land | $371.00 | $0.00 | $371.00 | |
B. Development consisting of the erection of a dwelling house when estimated cost of construction is $100,000 or less | $592.00 | $0.00 | $592.00 | |
C. Erection of a building or other works with estimated cost up to $5,000 | $144.00 | $0.00 | $144.00 | |
Estimated development cost between $5,000 and $50,000 |
Plus additional $3 for each $1,000 (or part thereof) of the estimated cost. |
Estimated development cost between $50,001 and $250,000 |
Plus additional $3.64 for each $1,000 (or part thereof) by which the estimated cost exceeds $50,000 |
Estimated development cost between $250,001 and $500,000 |
Plus additional $2.34 for each $1,000 (or part thereof) by which the estimated cost exceeds $250,000 |
Estimated development cost between $500,001 and $1,000,000 |
Plus additional $1.64 for each $1,000 (or part thereof) by which the estimated cost exceeds $500,000 |
Estimated development cost between $1,000,001 and $10,000,000 |
Plus additional $1.44 for each $1,000 (or part thereof) by which the estimated cost exceeds $1,000,000
Estimated development cost more than $10,000,000 |
Plus additional $1.19 for each $1,000 (or part thereof) by which the estimated cost exceeds $10,000,000 |
Information and Technology Service fee |
0.1% of the cost of the development
Tree removal/pruning/lopping application fee – less than 6 trees | $113.00 | $0.00 | $113.00 | |
Tree removal/pruning/lopping application fee – more than 6 trees | $339.00 | $0.00 | $339.00 | |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | SUSTAINABLE ENVIRONMENT AND ECONOMY | Development Assessment | Development Application fees | Subdivision - strata | ||||
Strata subdivision | $430.00 | $0.00 | $430.00 | |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | SUSTAINABLE ENVIRONMENT AND ECONOMY | Development Assessment | Development Application fees | Subdivision - other than strata subdivision | ||||
Not involving the opening of a public road |
Plus $53.00 for each additional lot created by the subdivision
Involving the opening of a public road |
Plus $65.00 for each additional lot created by the subdivision
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | SUSTAINABLE ENVIRONMENT AND ECONOMY | Development Assessment | Development Application fees | Levels of advertising and notification | ||||
Level 1 Notification | $181.00 | $0.00 | $181.00 | |
Level 2 Notification | $475.00 | $0.00 | $475.00 | |
Level 3 Notification | $475.00 | $0.00 | $475.00 | |
Designated development - Advertising fee |
Plus standard DA fee based on the estimated cost
Additional advertising fees – a) designated development | $2,890.00 | $0.00 | $2,890.00 | |
Additional advertising fees – b) advertised development | $1,438.00 | $0.00 | $1,438.00 | |
Additional advertising fees – c) prohibited development | $1,438.00 | $0.00 | $1,438.00 | |
Additional advertising fees – d) development other than a), b) and c) above | $1,438.00 | $0.00 | $1,438.00 | |
For which an environmental planning instrument requires notice to be given.
Advertising fee for modification of development consent |
Advertised as per the original development application level and the Community Participation Plan to a maximum of $665.00 |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | SUSTAINABLE ENVIRONMENT AND ECONOMY | Development Assessment | Development Application fees | Concurrence and Referrals | ||||
Administration fee (for Concurrence) | $176.00 | $0.00 | $176.00 | |
Additional fee required to be paid directly to the Concurrence Authority. |
Administration fee (Integrated Development) | $176.00 | $0.00 | $176.00 | |
Additional fee required to be paid directly to Referral Authority. |
Referral to Design Excellence Panel | $3,905.00 | $0.00 | $3,905.00 | |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | SUSTAINABLE ENVIRONMENT AND ECONOMY | Development Assessment | Development Application fees | Modifications | ||||
Modification application - S4.55(1) – To correct a minor error, misdescription or miscalculation | $92.00 | $0.00 | $92.00 | |
Where typographical or Council error fees may be waived at the discretion of the Manager.
Modification application - |
$839 or 50% of the fee for the original development application, whichever is the lesser |
a) under the Act, section 4.55(1A), or (b) under the Act, section 4.56(1) that involves, in the consent authority’s opinion, minimal environmental impact |
Modification application under the Act, section 4.55(2) or 4.56(1) that does not, in the consent authority’s opinion, involve minimal environmental impact, if the fee for the original development application was— |
50% of original fee
(a) less than 1 fee unit, or (b) 1 fee unit or more and the original development application did not involve the erection of a building, the carrying out of a work or the demolition of a work or building |
Modification application under the Act, section 4.55(2) or 4.56(1) that does not, in the consent authority’s opinion, involve minimal environmental impact, if— | $247.00 | $0.00 | $247.00 | |
(a) the fee for the original development application was 1 fee unit or more, and (b) the original development application involved the erection of a dwelling house with an estimated cost of $100,000 or less |
Modification application under the Act with estimated development cost up to $5,000 | $71.00 | $0.00 | $71.00 | |
Estimated development cost of $5,001 to $250,000 |
Plus an additional $1.50 for each $1,000 (or part thereof) of the estimated cost
Modification application under the Act with estimated development cost of $250,001 to $500,000 |
$651.00 |
Plus an additional $0.85 for each $1,000 (or part thereof) by which the estimated cost exceeds $250,000 |
Modification application under the Act with estimated development cost of $500,001 to $1,000,000 |
$927.00 |
Plus an additional $0.50 for each $1,000 (or part thereof) by which the estimated cost exceeds $500,000 |
Modification application under the Act with estimated development cost of $1,000,001 to $10,000,000 |
$1,285.00 |
Plus an additional $0.40 for each $1,000 (or part thereof) by which the estimated cost exceeds $1,000,000 |
Modification application under the Act with estimated development cost more than $10,000,000 |
$6,167.00 |
Plus an additional $0.27 for each $1,000 (or part thereof) by which the estimated cost exceeds $10,000,000 |
Additional fee for modification application if notice of application is required to be given | $866.00 | $0.00 | $866.00 | |
Additional for modification application that is accompanied by a statement of qualified designer | $990.00 | $0.00 | $990.00 | |
Additional for modification application that is referred to design review panel for advice | $3,905.00 | $0.00 | $3,905.00 | |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | SUSTAINABLE ENVIRONMENT AND ECONOMY | Development Assessment | Development Application fees | Review of determination | ||||
Development not involving the erection of a building, the carrying out of work, or subdivision of land |
50% of original fee
Development consisting of the erection of dwelling house with estimated construction cost less than $100,000 | $247.00 | $0.00 | $247.00 | |
Estimated development cost up to $5,000 | $71.00 | $0.00 | $71.00 | |
Estimated development cost of $5,001 to $250,000 |
$111.00 |
Plus an additional $1.50 for each $1,000 (or part thereof) of the estimated cost |
Estimated development cost of $250,001 to $500,000 |
Plus an additional $0.85 for each $1,000 (or part thereof) by which the estimated cost exceeds $250,000 |
Estimated development cost of $500,001 to $1,000,000 |
Plus an additional $0.50 for each $1,000 (or part thereof) by which the estimated cost exceeds $500,000 |
Estimated development cost of $1,000,001 to $10,000,000 |
Plus an additional $0.40 for each $1,000 (or part thereof) by which the estimated cost exceeds $1,000,000 |
Estimated development cost more than $10,000,000 |
$6,167.00 |
Plus an additional $0.27 for each $1,000 (or part thereof) by which the estimated cost exceeds $10,000,000 |
Where notice of the application is required to be given |
$807.00 |
Plus an additional amount of not more than $620.00 if notice of the application is required to be given under section 8.3 of the Act |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | SUSTAINABLE ENVIRONMENT AND ECONOMY | Development Assessment | Development Application fees | Review of decision to reject a development application | ||||
Estimated development cost less than $100,000 | $71.00 | $0.00 | $71.00 | |
Estimated development cost $100,000 or more, and less than or equal to $1,000,000 | $195.00 | $0.00 | $195.00 | |
Estimated development cost more than $1,000,000 | $638.00 | $0.00 | $638.00 | |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | SUSTAINABLE ENVIRONMENT AND ECONOMY | Development Assessment | Development Certification fees | Complying Development Certificate | ||||
Assessment fee | $206.36 | $20.64 | $227.00 | |
Fee per hour, min one hour. A full quote will be provided to the applicant for each development based on the cost of works and type of proposal.
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | SUSTAINABLE ENVIRONMENT AND ECONOMY | Development Assessment | Development Certification fees | Construction Certificate | ||||
Assessment fee – Building Works | $206.36 | $20.64 | $227.00 | |
Per hour, min one hour. A full quote will be provided to the applicant for each development based on the cost of works and type of proposal.
Amended construction certificate assessment fee | $206.36 | $20.64 | $227.00 | |
Re-assessment fee | $206.36 | $20.64 | $227.00 | |
Per hour, min 1 hour. Assessment of additional information or changes at Council's discretion. |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | SUSTAINABLE ENVIRONMENT AND ECONOMY | Development Assessment | Development Certification fees | Subdivision Works Certificate | ||||
Subdivision works up to 5 lots | $1,140.91 | $114.09 | $1,255.00 | |
Subdivision works over 5 lots | $206.36 | $20.64 | $227.00 | |
Per lot |
Minor subdivision works (eg. internal driveways) | $1,140.91 | $114.09 | $1,255.00 | |
Bulk earthworks only (eg. no roads, drainage, etc) | $1,140.91 | $114.09 | $1,255.00 | |
Assessment of additional information | $206.36 | $20.64 | $227.00 | |
Per hour, min 1 hr. Payable at lodgement of each additional information package submitted to Council. |
Amended Subdivision Works Certificate | $1,140.91 | $114.09 | $1,255.00 | |
Assessment of non-engineering reports/plans to satisfy DA conditions in conjunction with a Subdivision Works Certificate |
Dependent upon the number and complexity of reports to satisfy conditions of development consent. Includes ecological, environmental health, etc. conditions to be satisfied. |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | SUSTAINABLE ENVIRONMENT AND ECONOMY | Development Assessment | Development Certification fees | Subdivision/Strata Certificate | ||||
Subdivision and Strata Certificate application | $308.00 | $0.00 | $308.00 | |
Plus an additional $120 per lot |
Section 88B instrument | $227.00 | $0.00 | $227.00 | |
Strata Development Contract | $473.00 | $0.00 | $473.00 | |
Community Title Management Statement | $1,229.00 | $0.00 | $1,229.00 | |
Community Title Development Contract | $298.00 | $0.00 | $298.00 | |
Assessment of additional information | $227.00 | $0.00 | $227.00 | |
Per hour, minimum one hour. Payable at lodgement of each additional information package submitted to Council. |
Assessment of non-engineering reports or plans to satisfy DA conditions |
In conjunction with a subdivision or strata certificate |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | SUSTAINABLE ENVIRONMENT AND ECONOMY | Development Assessment | Development Certification fees | Other certification fees | ||||
Occupation certificate | $206.36 | $20.64 | $227.00 | |
Per hour, min 1 hour |
Occupation Certificate or Building Application final | $3,761.82 | $376.18 | $4,138.00 | |
Additional fee is charged where the last progress inspection undertaken by Council was 10+ years prior to the requested final inspection |
Occupation Certificate/Building Application final | $2,661.82 | $266.18 | $2,928.00 | |
Additional fee when the last progress inspection undertaken by Council was between 5 to 10 years prior to the requested final inspection |
Fire safety certificate inspection | $206.36 | $20.64 | $227.00 | |
Per hour, min 1 hour |
Certificate registration fee | $43.00 | $0.00 | $43.00 | |
Includes Construction, Complying Development, Subdivision Works and Subdivision/Strata Certificates |
Inspection fee | $227.00 | $0.00 | $227.00 | |
Per hour, min 1 hour |
Inspection fee - after hours call out | $410.91 | $41.09 | $452.00 | |
Per hour, min 1 hour
Missed inspection assessment fee | $227.00 | $0.00 | $227.00 | |
Per hour, min 2 hours |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | SUSTAINABLE ENVIRONMENT AND ECONOMY | Local Government Act approvals | Onsite Sewerage Management System | ||||
Assessment, inspections and approval to operate installed OSMS without the prior approval of Council - alter/upgrade system | $904.00 | $0.00 | $904.00 | |
Per dwelling/structure. Additional information to demonstrate compliance with Council requirements may be required. |
Inspection fee | $227.00 | $0.00 | $227.00 | |
Per hour, min 1 hour
Onsite sewage management system – application to install | $499.00 | $0.00 | $499.00 | |
Per equivalent tenement. Including upgrades of existing systems.
Onsite sewage management system – application to alter or add to approved system | $250.00 | $0.00 | $250.00 | |
Per equivalent tenement. Where approval relates to upgrading of an existing approved system or installation of household OSSM in a reticulated sewer area.
Inspection Fee | $227.00 | $0.00 | $227.00 | |
Per dwelling or structure |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | SUSTAINABLE ENVIRONMENT AND ECONOMY | Local Government Act approvals | Stormwater | ||||
Stormwater drainage application | $227.00 | $0.00 | $227.00 | |
Stormwater drainage application – 3 or less sole occupancy units (private stormwater works only) | $1,135.00 | $0.00 | $1,135.00 | |
Stormwater drainage application – 3 or less sole occupancy untis (onsite stormwater detention private stormwater work only) | $1,589.00 | $0.00 | $1,589.00 | |
Inspection fee | $227.00 | $0.00 | $227.00 | |
Amended S68 application | $454.00 | $0.00 | $454.00 | |
Plan reassessment fee | $227.00 | $0.00 | $227.00 | |
Per hour. Where original submitted plans are unsatisfactory and/or major amendments are required due to poor standard of work or failure to comply with Council's standards/directions.
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | SUSTAINABLE ENVIRONMENT AND ECONOMY | Local Government Act approvals | Water supply and sewerage | ||||
Swimming pool or minor plumbing works | $338.00 | $0.00 | $338.00 | |
Includes 1 inspection
Works not exceeding $250,000 | $892.00 | $0.00 | $892.00 | |
Includes 2 inspections
Works between $250,000 and $500,000 | $1,238.00 | $0.00 | $1,238.00 | |
Includes 3 inspections
Works between $500,000 and $1,000,000 | $1,966.00 | $0.00 | $1,966.00 | |
Includes up to 5 inspections
Works over $1,000,000 | $2,454.00 | $0.00 | $2,454.00 | |
Includes up to 5 inspections
Inspection fee | $109.00 | $0.00 | $109.00 | |
Based on value of development.
Amendments to water and sewerage application | $430.00 | $0.00 | $430.00 | |
Per hour |
Plan reassessment fee | $227.00 | $0.00 | $227.00 | |
Per hour. Where original submitted plans are unsatisfactory and/or major amendments are required due to poor standard of work, or failure to comply with Council's standards/directions. |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | SUSTAINABLE ENVIRONMENT AND ECONOMY | Local Government Act approvals | Waste management | ||||
Transport waste over or under a public place | $624.00 | $0.00 | $624.00 | |
Application fee and five year approval
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | SUSTAINABLE ENVIRONMENT AND ECONOMY | Local Government Act approvals | Onsite sewage management system approval to operate | ||||
Application fee | $63.00 | $0.00 | $63.00 | |
Pre-purchase OSMS inspection and report | $735.00 | $0.00 | $735.00 | |
One hour inspection and report within 10 working days
Urgency fee (additional) | $227.00 | $0.00 | $227.00 | |
Where required within five working days |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | SUSTAINABLE ENVIRONMENT AND ECONOMY | Local Government Act approvals | Approval to install a fuel heater | ||||
Application fee | $227.00 | $0.00 | $227.00 | |
Inspection fee | $227.00 | $0.00 | $227.00 | |
Per hour, min 1 hour
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | SUSTAINABLE ENVIRONMENT AND ECONOMY | Local Government Act approvals | Install a manufactured home, moveable dwelling or associated structure on land | ||||
Inspection fee | $227.00 | $0.00 | $227.00 | |
Application fee | $2,262.00 | $0.00 | $2,262.00 | |
Reinspection fee for non-compliant structure | $227.00 | $0.00 | $227.00 | |
Issue certificate of completion (or reissue copy) | $45.00 | $0.00 | $45.00 | |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | SUSTAINABLE ENVIRONMENT AND ECONOMY | Local Government Act approvals | Operate caravan park, camping ground or manufactured home estate | ||||
Application for approval to operate a caravan park, camping ground or manufactured estate |
Min $700
Minimum fee $700.00 or $60.00 per site, whichever is the greater
(Note: Where a reduced amount of time is proposed (ie. five years reduced to one year), Council may reduce the assessment fee)
Application for approval to operate a caravan park or camping ground for temporary camping associated with a festival or event |
Min $700.00
Min fee $500.00 or $25.00 per site, whichever is the greater
(Note: Where a reduced amount of time is proposed (ie. five years reduced to one year), Council may reduce the assessment fee)
Inspection fee | $227.00 | $0.00 | $227.00 | |
Per hour or part thereof, min 1 hour
Amendment to approvals issued under S68 of LGA 1993 Section 106 |
50% of original application fee
Min fee $250.00
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | SUSTAINABLE ENVIRONMENT AND ECONOMY | Local Government Act approvals | Swing goods over a public road | ||||
Application fee | $227.00 | $0.00 | $227.00 | |
Inspection fee | $227.00 | $0.00 | $227.00 | |
Per hour, min 1 hour
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | SUSTAINABLE ENVIRONMENT AND ECONOMY | Local Government Act approvals | Operate a public carpark | ||||
Application fee | $565.00 | $0.00 | $565.00 | |
Inspection fee | $227.00 | $0.00 | $227.00 | |
Per hour, min 1 hour
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | SUSTAINABLE ENVIRONMENT AND ECONOMY | Local Government Act approvals | Construct a temporary enclosure for the purposes of entertainment on community land | ||||
Application fee | $227.00 | $0.00 | $227.00 | |
Charity rate | $63.00 | $0.00 | $63.00 | |
Inspection fee | $227.00 | $0.00 | $227.00 | |
Per hour
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | SUSTAINABLE ENVIRONMENT AND ECONOMY | Local Government Act approvals | Install or operate amusement devices | ||||
Inspection Fee | $227.00 | $0.00 | $227.00 | |
Application fee | $227.00 | $0.00 | $227.00 | |
Charity rate | $51.00 | $0.00 | $51.00 | |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | SUSTAINABLE ENVIRONMENT AND ECONOMY | Local Government Act approvals | Theatrical / Public Address / Loudspeaker on community land | ||||
Application fee | $227.00 | $0.00 | $227.00 | |
Direct or produce a theatrical, musical or other entertainment for the public
Charity rate | $63.00 | $0.00 | $63.00 | |
Inspection fee | $227.00 | $0.00 | $227.00 | |
Per hour
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | SUSTAINABLE ENVIRONMENT AND ECONOMY | Local Government Act approvals | Other Local Government Act approvals | ||||
Application fee | $227.00 | $0.00 | $227.00 | |
Inspection fee | $227.00 | $0.00 | $227.00 | |
Per hour
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | SUSTAINABLE ENVIRONMENT AND ECONOMY | Local Government Act approvals | Review of determination | ||||
Review of Section 68 determination pursuant to Section 100 |
100% of original fee
Driveway construction application – dwelling | $908.00 | $0.00 | $908.00 | |
Includes 2 inspections
Driveway construction application – commercial/industrial | $1,362.00 | $0.00 | $1,362.00 | |
Includes 2 inspections
Roadwork within public road reserve | $908.00 | $0.00 | $908.00 | |
Inspection fee | $227.00 | $0.00 | $227.00 | |
Per hour
Amended Roads Act application | $454.00 | $0.00 | $454.00 | |
Plan reassessment fee | $227.00 | $0.00 | $227.00 | |
Where original submitted plans are unsatisfactory and/or major amendments are required due to poor standard of work or failure to comply with Council's standards/directions.
per hour
Assessment, inspections and acknowledgement of driveway without the prior approval of Council | $1,589.00 | $0.00 | $1,589.00 | |
Per new driveway. Additional information to demonstrate compliance with Council requirements may be required. Residential only. |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | SUSTAINABLE ENVIRONMENT AND ECONOMY | Roads Act approvals | Air space usage - Applications | ||||
Use of road airspace for commercial use | $617.27 | $61.73 | $679.00 | |
Assessment fee includes two inspection fees
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | SUSTAINABLE ENVIRONMENT AND ECONOMY | Roads Act approvals | Air space usage - Licences | ||||
Document preparation fee | $206.36 | $20.64 | $227.00 | |
Plus valuation and other associated expenses, at cost plus 10% |
Airspace usage fee |
Determined on an individual basis by market valuation
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | SUSTAINABLE ENVIRONMENT AND ECONOMY | Roads Act approvals | Footpath usage - Applications | ||||
Application fee for use of footpath area for commercial purposes | $679.00 | $0.00 | $679.00 | |
Renew existing approval | $339.00 | $0.00 | $339.00 | |
Based upon previously approved layout. Any changes will require a new approval. Includes one inspection. Applications for Goods and Chattels charged at 50%. |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | SUSTAINABLE ENVIRONMENT AND ECONOMY | Roads Act approvals | Footpath usage - Licences | ||||
Bangalow |
$274.00 per m2 annually |
Brunswick Heads |
$232.00 per m2 annually |
Brunswick Terrace, Fingal, Park and Mullumbimbi Streets block
Byron Bay – Precinct 1 and 2 |
$622.00 per m2 annually |
Jonson Street from Lawson Street to Bay Street, Bay Street from Jonson Street to Middleton Street, Fletcher Street from Bay Lane to Bay Street, Lawson Street from railway line to Middleton Street, Byron Street from Jonson Street to Fletcher Street, Jonson Street from Marvell Street to Lawson Street, Fletcher Street from Byron Street to Bay Lane, Middleton Street from Lawson Street to Bay Street
Byron Bay – remaining properties |
$389.00 per m2 annually |
Mullumbimby |
$187.00 per m2 annually |
Remainder of Shire |
$187.00 per m2 annually |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | SUSTAINABLE ENVIRONMENT AND ECONOMY | Roads Act approvals | Use of Council land/road reserve to enable construction work, events or temporary use | ||||
Extended Frontage parking (additional space)- pay parking location | $221.00 | $0.00 | $221.00 | |
Where parking extends past development frontage per 6 linear metres per day |
Extended Frontage parking (additional space)- non pay parking location | $126.00 | $0.00 | $126.00 | |
Where parking extends past development frontage per 6 linear meters per day |
Application fee | $227.00 | $0.00 | $227.00 | |
Eg. Hoarding, scaffolding, fencing, work zones, other temporary structures or traffic control device/s
Inspection fee | $227.00 | $0.00 | $227.00 | |
Per hour (minimum 2 inspections with application - further inspections to be paid as required, eg change to work zone) |
Urgency fee | $227.00 | $0.00 | $227.00 | |
Where use is required within 10 working days of the application being lodged |
Footpath / verge closure |
$3.00 per m2 / day |
Where the footpath / verge area is closed to pedestrians and/or cyclists. Where an elevated gantry is installed, fees will be charged for the set up and takedown then charged at a low impact occupation rate for the period of occupation. |
Low Impact Occupation of Council Land |
$1.00 per m2 / day |
Where pedestrian, cyclist and vehicular traffic are not disrupted, includes public reserves. |
Road Closure (full and partial) |
$13.00 per m2 / day |
Where the traffic lanes are closed to traffic |
Frontage parking - pay parking location | $111.00 | $0.00 | $111.00 | |
Per 6 linear metres, per day |
Frontage parking - non pay parking location | $63.00 | $0.00 | $63.00 | |
Per 6 linear meter, per day |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | SUSTAINABLE ENVIRONMENT AND ECONOMY | Roads Act approvals | Driveways and Roadworks within a public road reserve | ||||
Bond for use of Council reserve |
$250.00 to $20,000.00
Any refund at discretion of the relevant Council Director
Asset inspection fee (bond refund) | $227.00 | $0.00 | $227.00 | |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | SUSTAINABLE ENVIRONMENT AND ECONOMY | Roads Act approvals | Acknowledgement of works undertaken without approval | ||||
Assessment, inspections and acknowledgement of water supply and sewerage system without the prior approval of Council | $1,704.00 | $0.00 | $1,704.00 | |
Per dwelling. Additional information to demonstrate compliance with Council requirements may be required. |
Assessment, inspections and acknowledgement of stormwater system without the prior approval of Council | $1,704.00 | $0.00 | $1,704.00 | |
Per dwelling. Additional information to demonstrate compliance with Council requirements may be required. |
Assessment, inspections and approval to operate installed OSMS without the prior approval of Council | $1,482.00 | $0.00 | $1,482.00 | |
Assessment, inspections and acknowledgement of driveway without the prior approval of Council - new driveway, commercial | $1,719.00 | $0.00 | $1,719.00 | |
Per new driveway. Additional information to demonstrate compliance with Council requirements may be required. |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | SUSTAINABLE ENVIRONMENT AND ECONOMY | Planning, Development and Environment Services - Provision of information | Building Information Certificate | ||||
Class 1 building (dwelling houses) or Class 10 building or other building up to 200m2 | $500.00 | $0.00 | $500.00 | |
Together with any Class 10 buildings on the site. Additional fees will apply for unauthorised construction (based on the cost of construction works).
Any other Class of building – exceeding 200m2 but not 2,000m2 |
$750.00 |
Plus an additional 50c /m2 for each square metre over 200m2
Any other Class of building – exceeding 2,000m2 |
$1,500.00 |
Plus an additional 7.5c/m2 for each square metre over 2,000m2
Part of a building | $282.00 | $0.00 | $282.00 | |
Where that part consists of an external wall only or does not otherwise have a floor area or the maximum fee specified by the legislation.
Unauthorised works |
$4,500 where associated with a 'use of' development consent. POA where associated with unauthorised building works with no approved use. |
Relates to unauthorised works associated with:
Reinspection fee | $227.00 | $0.00 | $227.00 | |
Copy of Building Certificate | $15.00 | $0.00 | $15.00 | |
Sewer location plan | $65.00 | $0.00 | $65.00 | |
Provides both a Sewer Service Diagram showing the internal lot sewer layout and connection to Council’s Sewer (if available) and a Sewer Location Plan showing Council’s sewer infrastructure in relation to the lot. |
Additional fee for issue of sewer location plan within 24 hours | $12.00 | $0.00 | $12.00 | |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | SUSTAINABLE ENVIRONMENT AND ECONOMY | Planning, Development and Environment Services - Swimming Pool Act fees | ||||
Application for exemption (swimming pool fencing) | $250.00 | $0.00 | $250.00 | |
Inspection of swimming pool fencing – first inspection | $136.36 | $13.64 | $150.00 | |
Inspection of swimming pool fencing – any additional inspection | $90.91 | $9.09 | $100.00 | |
Provision of registration information | $10.91 | $1.09 | $12.00 | |
Clause 18D
Pool resuscitation sign | $33.64 | $3.36 | $37.00 | |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | SUSTAINABLE ENVIRONMENT AND ECONOMY | Planning, Development and Environment Services - Fire Safety | ||||
Annual Fire Safety Statement management program | $95.45 | $9.55 | $105.00 | |
Inspection fee for fire safety complaint | $206.36 | $20.64 | $227.00 | |
Compliance inspection fee | $206.36 | $20.64 | $227.00 | |
Min 1 hour. Under Section 197 LGA and Section 118G EPA Act. |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | SUSTAINABLE ENVIRONMENT AND ECONOMY | Planning, Development and Environment Services - Other service fees | ||||
Transfer certification from Council to Private Certifier | $206.36 | $20.64 | $227.00 | |
Per hour, min 1 hour
Transfer certification from Private Certifier to Council | $514.55 | $51.45 | $566.00 | |
Plus inspection fees
Development Advisory Panel | $617.27 | $61.73 | $679.00 | |
Per hour, min 1 hour (prepaid)
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | SUSTAINABLE ENVIRONMENT AND ECONOMY | Planning, Development and Environment Services - Other service fees | Correspondence on planning information, assessment of plans/documentation and inspections | ||||
Archiving fee for applications and certificates | $41.00 | $0.00 | $41.00 | |
Request for extension of a development consent | $190.00 | $0.00 | $190.00 | |
Endorsement of legal documents | $473.00 | $0.00 | $473.00 | |
Documents associated with creation or cancellation of easements, restrictions, covenants, etc. not submitted with subdivision certificate applications.
Council consent to electronic lodgment of land title dealing |
As set by PEXA (the electronic lodgement network operator (ELNO)) and NSW Land Registry Services |
Written information on zoning, policy or permissibility of development | $227.00 | $0.00 | $227.00 | |
Per hour, min 1 hour
Assessment of plans or details submitted to satisfy condition/s of development consent | $430.00 | $0.00 | $430.00 | |
Per hour, min 1 hour. Includes, but not restricted to, engineering, ecological, landscape, environmental, health assessment.
Inspection of development as required by a condition of development consent | $227.00 | $0.00 | $227.00 | |
Per hour, min 1 hour. Includes, but not restricted to, engineering, ecological, landscape, environmental, health inspections
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | SUSTAINABLE ENVIRONMENT AND ECONOMY | Planning, Development and Environment Services - Other service fees | Bonding of Works | ||||
Request for bonding works | $423.64 | $42.36 | $466.00 | |
Assessment of request including inspection
Off maintenance inspection fee - Over 5 lots | $801.82 | $80.18 | $882.00 | |
Off maintenance re-inspection fee | $206.36 | $20.64 | $227.00 | |
Per hour
Off maintenance inspection fee - Up to and including 5 lots | $402.73 | $40.27 | $443.00 | |
Landscape/Rehabilitation |
$500.00 to $20,000.00
Varies depending on works required. Development Assessment Officer to determine.
Render dwelling un-inhabitable | $12,000.00 | $0.00 | $12,000.00 | |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | SUSTAINABLE ENVIRONMENT AND ECONOMY | Planning, Development and Environment Services - Other service fees | Plan copying | ||||
Certified copy of document, map or plan held by Council | $60.00 | $0.00 | $60.00 | |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | SUSTAINABLE ENVIRONMENT AND ECONOMY | Planning, Development and Environment Services - Other service fees | Flood Information | ||||
Flood Information Certificate | $192.00 | $0.00 | $192.00 | |
Per certificate (one certificate issued per property)
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | SUSTAINABLE ENVIRONMENT AND ECONOMY | Planning, Development and Environment Services - Other service fees | Heritage Exemption Application | ||||
Heritage exemption application | $227.00 | $0.00 | $227.00 | |
Per hour / minimum of 1 hour |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | SUSTAINABLE ENVIRONMENT AND ECONOMY | Planning, Development and Environment Services - Other fees | Collating and formatting fee | ||||
Fee for 20 minutes | $73.00 | $0.00 | $73.00 | |
Fee for 40 minutes | $143.00 | $0.00 | $143.00 | |
Fee for 60 minutes | $216.00 | $0.00 | $216.00 | |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | SUSTAINABLE ENVIRONMENT AND ECONOMY | Planning, Development and Environment Services - Other fees | Event applications | ||||
Administration fee | $227.00 | $0.00 | $227.00 | |
Min 1 hour, at discretion of Director. Coordinate and facilitate cost recovery for events on public land.
Urgency fee | $134.00 | $0.00 | $134.00 | |
When application is lodged less than 14 days before an event (subject to confirmation that service is available).
Inspection/supervision fee | $227.00 | $0.00 | $227.00 | |
Per hour |
Parking application fee (event or filming) | $193.00 | $0.00 | $193.00 | |
Parking application urgency fee (event or filming) | $131.00 | $0.00 | $131.00 | |
When an application is lodged less than 7 days prior to an event or filming project |
Parking fee (event or filming) | $42.00 | $0.00 | $42.00 | |
Min one day. Parking time restrictions will no longer apply to approved vehicles. |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | SUSTAINABLE ENVIRONMENT AND ECONOMY | Planning, Development and Environment Services - Other fees | Road naming in a new subdivision | ||||
Road naming processing fee | $1,054.00 | $0.00 | $1,054.00 | |
Reassessment Fee | $207.00 | $0.00 | $207.00 | |
Per hour - where reassessment is required due to rejected names or other name changes |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | SUSTAINABLE ENVIRONMENT AND ECONOMY | Planning, Development and Environment Services - Other fees | Commission - Building and Construction Industry Long Service Levy | ||||
Long Service Levy commission | $19.80 | $0.00 | $19.80 | |
Per levy collected. As per agreement with Corporation.
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | SUSTAINABLE ENVIRONMENT AND ECONOMY | Planning, Development and Environment Services - Maintenance of structures over/within road reserve | ||||
Administration fee | $106.00 | $0.00 | $106.00 | |
Inspection fee - compliance | $227.00 | $0.00 | $227.00 | |
Per hour, min 1 hour |
Inspection fee - complaint | $227.00 | $0.00 | $227.00 | |
Per hour, min 1 hour |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | SUSTAINABLE ENVIRONMENT AND ECONOMY | Environmental Health and Compliance | Service of notices and orders (Compliance) | ||||
Issue and service of EPA Orders | $650.00 | $0.00 | $650.00 | |
Cost recovery service of Orders | $414.00 | $0.00 | $414.00 | |
Pursuant to s608 LGA 1993. Includes charge for one hour site inspection. Applies to orders under s124 LGA 1993; notices under Part 6, Schedule 5 EPA 1979; orders under s24 Swimming Pool Act 1992 or any direction under Roads Act 1993. |
Additional hours or part thereof | $227.00 | $0.00 | $227.00 | |
Per hour (minimum one hour)
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | SUSTAINABLE ENVIRONMENT AND ECONOMY | Environmental Health and Compliance | Food Act and Health notification | Retail food and commercial premises | ||||
Retail food and commercial premises inspection | $227.00 | $0.00 | $227.00 | |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | SUSTAINABLE ENVIRONMENT AND ECONOMY | Environmental Health and Compliance | Food Act and Health notification | Annual food business administration | ||||
Home based food business - small production (<10kg per week) | $99.00 | $0.00 | $99.00 | |
Per notification (annual charge) |
Small food business (5 or less full time equivalent food handlers) | $390.00 | $0.00 | $390.00 | |
Per premises under Food Regulation 2015 Part 3 Clause 15
Medium food business (6 to 50 full time equivalent food handlers) | $800.00 | $0.00 | $800.00 | |
Regulated maximum fees can apply at the discretion of Council
Large food business (51 or more full time equivalent food handlers) | $3,500.00 | $0.00 | $3,500.00 | |
Regulated maximum fees can apply at the discretion of Council
Amendment of food business registration | $62.00 | $0.00 | $62.00 | |
Per certificate, includes re-issue of certificate |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | SUSTAINABLE ENVIRONMENT AND ECONOMY | Environmental Health and Compliance | Food Act and Health notification | Temporary premises approvals (markets, events and festivals) | ||||
One year approval | $182.00 | $0.00 | $182.00 | |
Per temporary premises |
One year approval - low risk | $62.00 | $0.00 | $62.00 | |
Per temporary premises. * Food that is unlikely to encourage bacterial growth, including shelf stable or packaged food that does not require storage in a temperature controlled environment to maintain food safety, eg. packaged/canned foods, sweets and sugary confectionery, pastries and cakes (without dairy cream), whole fruit/vegetables and sauces, chutneys and jams in jars. Taste testing of such food may be deemed low risk when kept safely and not for long periods of time (<2 hours). The production of food e.g. combining ingredients and cooking is not low risk. |
One-off event approval | $96.00 | $0.00 | $96.00 | |
Per temporary premises |
Amendment of temporary premises registration | $62.00 | $0.00 | $62.00 | |
Per certificate, includes reissue of certificate |
Urgency Fee | $56.92 | $0.00 | $56.92 | |
Additional fee for an application submitted within seven days of the market, event or festival. |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | SUSTAINABLE ENVIRONMENT AND ECONOMY | Environmental Health and Compliance | Food Act and Health notification | Temporary premises approvals (markets, events and festivals) | Inspection fees | ||||
Fee applied to event organiser | $227.00 | $0.00 | $227.00 | |
Per hour (minimum one hour), per Officer
Food business operator at event without a current approval | $227.00 | $0.00 | $227.00 | |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | SUSTAINABLE ENVIRONMENT AND ECONOMY | Environmental Health and Compliance | Food Act and Health notification | Temporary food premises approvals (existing building with commercial kitchen or community hall) | ||||
Inspection fee | $227.00 | $0.00 | $227.00 | |
Per hour (minimum one hour)
Registration of Temporary Food Premises Notification - Six month | $93.00 | $0.00 | $93.00 | |
Per notification |
Registration of Temporary Food Premises Notification - Annual | $170.00 | $0.00 | $170.00 | |
Per notification |
Amendment of food business registration | $62.00 | $0.00 | $62.00 | |
Per certificate, includes re-issue of certificate |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | SUSTAINABLE ENVIRONMENT AND ECONOMY | Environmental Health and Compliance | Food Act and Health notification | Mobile food vending vehicles and other mobile food premises | Applications | ||||
Amendment of mobile food vending vehicle/mobile premises registration | $62.00 | $0.00 | $62.00 | |
Per certificate, includes reissue of certificate |
Inspection fees - Mobile food vending vehicle and food premises | $227.00 | $0.00 | $227.00 | |
Per hour (min charge 50% of full fee for half hour) |
Class 1 Vendor - Mobile food premises | $227.00 | $0.00 | $227.00 | |
Per premises One-off event approval charged at 50% of annual fee. |
Class 1 Vendor - Mobile food vending | $227.00 | $0.00 | $227.00 | |
Per vehicle One-off event approval charged at 50% of annual fee. |
Class 2 Vendor - Mobile food premises (cart, bicycle) | $240.00 | $0.00 | $240.00 | |
Per premises One-off event approval charged at 50% of annual fee. |
Class 2 Vendor - Mobile food vending vehicle (van/trailer) | $475.00 | $0.00 | $475.00 | |
Per vehicle One-off event approval charged at 50% of annual fee. |
Class 2 Vendor – Mobile food vending vehicle (with 6 or more full time employees) | $622.00 | $0.00 | $622.00 | |
Per vehicle. One-off event approval charged at 50% of annual fee. |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | SUSTAINABLE ENVIRONMENT AND ECONOMY | Environmental Health and Compliance | Food Act and Health notification | Food business fees (Other) | ||||
Pre-purchase advice request (record search and inspection) | $432.00 | $0.00 | $432.00 | |
Per premises |
Mobile food catering business (High risk) | $456.00 | $0.00 | $456.00 | |
Per notification (annual charge). Where food is prepared at an approved premises and solely transported to a catered event and served/handled by the food business at the location. |
Mobile food catering business (Low risk) | $211.00 | $0.00 | $211.00 | |
Per notification (annual charge). Where food is prepared at an approved premises and solely transported to a catered event. |
Improvement notice NSW Food Act | $330.00 | $0.00 | $330.00 | |
Administration charge - Food Regulation 2015.
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | SUSTAINABLE ENVIRONMENT AND ECONOMY | Environmental Health and Compliance | Public Health Act 2010 and Public Health Regulation 2012 | Water related approvals and activities | ||||
Private water carter registration | $243.00 | $0.00 | $243.00 | |
Per vehicle (plus $112.00 per additional vehicle) |
Private water carter inspection | $227.00 | $0.00 | $227.00 | |
Per vehicle, plus $97.00 per additional vehicle |
Potable water sampling (private water suppliers, water carters) | $34.00 | $0.00 | $34.00 | |
Per sample. Where a sample is sent to an external NATA accredited lab a fee will be charged at cost price. |
Amendment of registration approval | $62.00 | $0.00 | $62.00 | |
Per certificate, includes reissue of certificate |
Inspection fee | $227.00 | $0.00 | $227.00 | |
Per premises |
Copy of registration approval certificate | $22.00 | $0.00 | $22.00 | |
Per certificate |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | SUSTAINABLE ENVIRONMENT AND ECONOMY | Environmental Health and Compliance | Public Health Act 2010 and Public Health Regulation 2012 | Skin penetration | ||||
Notification of carrying out of skin penetration procedures | $113.00 | $0.00 | $113.00 | |
Per notification
Copy of Notification Registration Certificate | $22.00 | $0.00 | $22.00 | |
Amendment of Notification Registration | $62.00 | $0.00 | $62.00 | |
Inspection of premises | $227.00 | $0.00 | $227.00 | |
Per hour (minimum one hour). Includes re-inspection. Note: Fees associated with issuing notices/orders are separate to inspection fees. |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | SUSTAINABLE ENVIRONMENT AND ECONOMY | Environmental Health and Compliance | Public Health Act 2010 and Public Health Regulation 2012 | Improvement Notice or Prohibition Order under Public Health Act 2010 | ||||
Premises with a regulated system | $633.00 | $0.00 | $633.00 | |
Per Notice/Order, includes hot, warm and cooling water systems, humidifying systems |
In any other case | $306.00 | $0.00 | $306.00 | |
E.g. Swimming/spa pool, skin penetration premises. Per Notice/Order. |
Request for reinspection fee for premises subject to prohibition order | $282.00 | $0.00 | $282.00 | |
Per hour (minimum one hour, maximum two hours) |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | SUSTAINABLE ENVIRONMENT AND ECONOMY | Environmental Health and Compliance | Public Health Act 2010 and Public Health Regulation 2012 | Application for home burial | ||||
Application and inspection fee | $538.00 | $0.00 | $538.00 | |
Includes costs for two separate inspections
Exhumation of human remains | $538.00 | $0.00 | $538.00 | |
Attendance by Environmental Health Officer in accordance with NSW Ministry of Health approval for exhumation of human remains
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | SUSTAINABLE ENVIRONMENT AND ECONOMY | Environmental Health and Compliance | Public Health Act 2010 and Public Health Regulation 2012 | Legionella control (Regulated systems) | ||||
Notification of cooling water or warm water system | $130.00 | $0.00 | $130.00 | |
Per notification |
Copy of Notification Registration Certificate | $22.00 | $0.00 | $22.00 | |
Per certificate |
Amendment of Notification Registration | $62.00 | $0.00 | $62.00 | |
Per certificate. Includes reissue of certificate. |
Inspections and investigations associated with regulated systems | $227.00 | $0.00 | $227.00 | |
Per hour (minimum one hour). |
Sampling fee | $120.00 | $0.00 | $120.00 | |
Per sample. Where a sample is sent to an external NATA accredited lab, a fee will be charged at cost price. |
Risk Management Plan Certificates of Completion Administration Fee | $74.00 | $0.00 | $74.00 | |
Per plan |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | SUSTAINABLE ENVIRONMENT AND ECONOMY | Environmental Health and Compliance | Public Health Act 2010 and Public Health Regulation 2012 | Public swimming pools and spa pools | ||||
Notification of public swimming pools and spa pools | $113.00 | $0.00 | $113.00 | |
Per notification
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | SUSTAINABLE ENVIRONMENT AND ECONOMY | Environmental Health and Compliance | Public Health Act 2010 and Public Health Regulation 2012 | Public swimming pools and spa pools | Inspection fees and sampling | ||||
Chemical and bacteriological test (per pool/sample) | $227.00 | $0.00 | $227.00 | |
Chemical and bacteriological test (per additional pool/sample) | $59.00 | $0.00 | $59.00 | |
Chemical and bacteriological test - reinspection of failed test (per pool/sample) | $227.00 | $0.00 | $227.00 | |
Chemical and bacteriological test - reinspection of failed test (per additional pool/sample) | $94.00 | $0.00 | $94.00 | |
Chemical test only (per pool/sample) | $227.00 | $0.00 | $227.00 | |
Chemical test only (per additional pool/sample) | $59.00 | $0.00 | $59.00 | |
Chemical test only - reinspection of failed test (per pool/sample) | $227.00 | $0.00 | $227.00 | |
Chemical test only - reinspection of failed test (per additional pool/sample) | $94.00 | $0.00 | $94.00 | |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | SUSTAINABLE ENVIRONMENT AND ECONOMY | Environmental Health and Compliance | Public Health Act 2010 and Public Health Regulation 2012 | Underground petroleum storage systems (UPSS) | ||||
Inspection fee | $227.00 | $0.00 | $227.00 | |
Annual Registration Fee | $130.00 | $0.00 | $130.00 | |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | SUSTAINABLE ENVIRONMENT AND ECONOMY | Environmental Health and Compliance | Public Health Act 2010 and Public Health Regulation 2012 | Public health general fees | ||||
Pre-purchase advice request (record search and inspection) | $424.00 | $0.00 | $424.00 | |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | SUSTAINABLE ENVIRONMENT AND ECONOMY | Environmental Health and Compliance | Public Order and Safety | ||||
Issue 735A certificate in respect to outstanding notices/orders | $177.00 | $0.00 | $177.00 | |
Urgency fee (additional) | $227.00 | $0.00 | $227.00 | |
For 24 hour issue of information, subject to service being available
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | SUSTAINABLE ENVIRONMENT AND ECONOMY | Environmental Health and Compliance | Public Order and Safety | Infringement charges | ||||
Development, Traffic, Compliance Enforcement and Environment – all fines and penalties |
As prescribed by the relevant Acts
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | SUSTAINABLE ENVIRONMENT AND ECONOMY | Environmental Health and Compliance | Public Order and Safety | Notice charges - Protection of the Environment | ||||
Protection of the Environment Operations Act Notice - Administration fee |
Protection of the Environment Operations Act and Regulations. |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | SUSTAINABLE ENVIRONMENT AND ECONOMY | Environmental Health and Compliance | Public Order and Safety | Application for remedial action to address past land contamination or dewatering activity for activities with development consent | ||||
Assess and issue approval prior to work commencing | $234.00 | $0.00 | $234.00 | |
Issue completion certificate following satisfactory validation report | $64.00 | $0.00 | $64.00 | |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | SUSTAINABLE ENVIRONMENT AND ECONOMY | Environmental Health and Compliance | Public Order and Safety | Companion animals | ||||
Dangerous dog enclosure compliance certificate | ||||
Dangerous animal sign | $40.91 | $4.09 | $45.00 | |
X-large collar | $45.45 | $4.55 | $50.00 | |
per piece |
Large collar | $40.91 | $4.09 | $45.00 | |
Medium collar | $36.36 | $3.64 | $40.00 | |
Small collar | $31.82 | $3.18 | $35.00 | |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | SUSTAINABLE ENVIRONMENT AND ECONOMY | Environmental Health and Compliance | Public Order and Safety | Companion animals | Dog registration | ||||
Annual permit - Dangerous or restricted dogs | $230.00 | $0.00 | $230.00 | |
Annual permit required for restricted dog breeds, and dogs declared to be dangerous. This is additional to the lifetime registration fee. $215 Late fee applies |
Not desexed or desexed dog (after relevant age) | $262.00 | $0.00 | $262.00 | |
Not desexed dog (recognised breeder) | $78.00 | $0.00 | $78.00 | |
Not desexed dog (not recommended) | $78.00 | $0.00 | $78.00 | |
Not desexed dog (not recommended eligible pensioner) | $34.00 | $0.00 | $34.00 | |
Desexed dog (by relevant age) | $78.00 | $0.00 | $78.00 | |
Desexed dog (by relevant age - eligible pensioner) | $34.00 | $0.00 | $34.00 | |
Desexed dog (sold by pound/shelter) | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | |
Working Dog | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | |
Service of the State | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | |
Registration late fee | $22.00 | $0.00 | $22.00 | |
Not paid within 28 days of due date |
Additional Fee | $184.00 | $0.00 | $184.00 | |
BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL | SUSTAINABLE ENVIRONMENT AND ECONOMY | Environmental Health and Compliance | Public Order and Safety | Companion animals | Cat registration | ||||
Cat not desexed by four months of age | $96.00 | $0.00 | $96.00 | |
Non desexed cats by 4 months of age will be required to pay this annual permit fee. Additional to the lifetime registration fee. |
Not desexed cat (not recommended) | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | |
Not desexed cat (not recommended -eligible pensioner) | $34.00 | $0.00 | $34.00 | |
Not desexed cat (recognised breeder) | $68.00 | $0.00 | $68.00 | |
Desexed or not desexed cat | $68.00 | $0.00 | $68.00 | |
Desexed cat (eligible pensioner) | $34.00 | $0.00 | $34.00 | |
Desexed cat (sold by pound/shelter) | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | |
Registration late fee | $22.00 | $0.00 |