MSC Fees & Charges

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Mareeba Shire Council

Council as part of its budgetary process and under the legislation of the Local Government Act is required to adopt a Schedule of Fees and Charges each year.


Section 97 of Local Government Act 2009 prescribes the circumstances where a Local Government may set a cost-recovery fee. This section also prescribes that a cost- recovery fee must not be more than the cost to the local government of taking the action for which the fee is charged. Costs for services are reviewed annually, with the full cost recovery model applied wherever possible. The cost recovery fees represent the cost recovery fees set by Council at the date of the budget resolution. Council may alter any of the cost recovery fees in this booklet by resolution at any time prior to the next budget resolution. The cost recovery fees in this resolution have been set by reference to specified exemptions from GST determined by the Federal Government under Division 81 of the GST legislation. Council reserves the right to alter the GST status of any cost recovery fee in accordance with any changes made to the Division 81 list. All cost-recovery fees detailed are fixed in accordance with relevant State Government legislation, Council’s Local Laws and Council policies.

Advertising Signage

Applies to Mareeba Industrial Estate (MIP) and Mareeba Airport Aviation Industrial Park.



Mareeba and Chillagoe

Landing Fees

Annual (Mareeba Only) - Flight Training Only

Per Landing (Mareeba and Chillagoe)

Repetitive operations charged at one landing per hour (where an aircraft makes more than one landing per hour)


Grassed Areas Parking

Hardstand Parking


Mareeba and Chillagoe

Animal Management

Where an application fee is paid for an annual approval or annual licence on or after 1 April the fees set for the following financial year are to be used and an extended expiry is to be applied to the particular approval.


Pro rata calculations to apply to initial dog registration fees (first time registering the dog in the Shire)


  • 1st Quarter: 1 April to 30 June - Pay full fee but maintain the 15 month registration.
  • 2nd Quarter: 1 July to 30 September - No fee reduction
  • 3rd Quarter: 1 October to 31 December - 25% fee reduction
  • 4th Quarter: 1 January to 31 March - 50% fee reduction

Registration for Regulated Dogs

Applies to dogs classified as Dangerous or Menacing.

Desexed Animal Refund

Entire Dog desexed during the year.

Impounding of Animals

Cat & Dog Impounding

Livestock Impounding


Animal Keeping





Extension of Time or Renewal of Building Approval (Lapsing)

Siting dispensation (includes report)

Temporary Accommodation Permit

Building Records Search

Certificate of Classification

If not previously issued.

Hoarding, Scaffolding or Gantry

Lodgement Fee (Development Permit)

Private Certifier Lodgement

Hoarding, Scaffolding or Gantry


50% non-resident burial and reservation surcharge


Non-Resident definition:

A person who was not a resident or ratepayer of the Mareeba Shire at the time of their death. An exemption applies if the deceased was a resident of the Shire for 10 years or more in their lifetime.


  • Interment Fees and Charges are in addition to the reservation fee.
  • Second and subsequent interments in the same plot do not incur a reservation fee.

Interment Surcharge

Shelter and Chair Hire




Environmental Health

Where an application fee is paid for an annual approval or annual licence on or after 1 April the fees set for the following financial year are to be used and an extended expiry is to be applied to the particular approval.


Food Act

Based on the Priority Classification System for Food Business.

Personal Appearance Services

Facility Hire

(a) Standard Fees


Apply to an organisation, group, individual and event that:
    • Operates for profit with high commerciality or corporate sponsorship; or
    • Receives State or Federal funding and is holding an event which is within the scope of their funding.


(b) Concession Fees


Apply to events/activities with considerable community benefits, but there may be some limited commerciality regarding the hirer, or the event/activity as follows:
    • Benefits individuals such as a private event/function eg. birthday party, wake.
    • Sporting, social or cultural events/games that primarily benefit club or group members rather than the general public that is not run for profit and only charge a 'break even" entry fee eg. regional sporting carnival, basketball competition, special school event, arts masterclasses.
    • Community organisation fundraising activities. Council support must be acknowledged in any publicity by the hirer.


(c) Community Benefit Fees


Apply to not-for-profit hirers relying on volunteers for events/activities that deliver widespread community benefit and have free or low cost ($5 max) entry. The hirer must meet the following conditions:
1. Is a community group that:
      • Is a not for profit, incorporated association or group of persons or individuals with the primary aim of conducting activities and providing services for community benefit; and
      • Relies predominantly on volunteer labour, community fundraising, membership fees and donations; and
      • Does not receive state or federal government operational grants and does not have a fee for service model.  OR

2. Is a religious group holding an activity/event for which no entry fee is charged and is open to the general public including gatherings for worship.  OR



3. Is a government funded not-for-profit community service operating an activity or event that is outside the scope of its funding agreement. Council support must be acknowledged in any publicity by the hirer.


Alcohol on Premises


Council will not authorise 'alcohol on premise' for all locations, additional conditions may be required prior to approval, if given.


Assistance in Booking Process 


For additional Information or assistance in making a booking, please contact Council.


Conditions of Hire 


Please see facility hire application kit for a full list of "Conditions of Hire"


Minimum Hall Hire 


Users should consider required time to setup, packup and cleanup venue in their hire times. Minimum hire hours are developed to give users time to meet their base requirements.


Noise Control 


The playing of pre-recorded or live amplified music is not to exceed the sound levels specified in the Environmental Protection Regulation 1988. Should the noise level exceed that specified in the Environmental Protection Regulation 1988, the bond will be forfeited to Council.




Cedric Davies Community Hub

  • Full day hire is from 7 am to midnight
  • Hourly Rate is a minimum of 2 hours

Community Halls

  • Full day hire is from 7 am to midnight
  • Hourly Rate is a minimum of 2 hours

Kuranda Community Precinct Storage Cages

  • Hire period must be paid in full.
  • Minimum application is 12 months

Mareeba Library Meeting Room

Park light hire


Gates and Grids

General and Finance


Right to Information



Inter Library Loan (ILL)

Full PC Use

No cost for the first hour, with fees to apply thereafter depending on availability.



Library Coordinator has delegated authority to vary the cost of sale of library collections items at any time for operational reasons.

Photocopying and Printing

Local Laws

Accommodation Facilities


Commercial Use of Local Government Controlled Areas and Roads (LGCARs) schedule 6

Installation of advertising device – Schedule 8

Recovery of Abandoned Vehicles

Release of Impounded Items

Remedial Notices

Operation of temporary entertainment events

Temporary Parking Permit

Planning – Urban and Regional

If the development application is submitted within 12 months of a pre-lodgement the enquiry fee will be discounted from the development application fee, subject to the development application being substantially consistent with the pre-lodgement enquiry.


Planning Certificates

Planning Schemes

Application Fees

Application for Building Work assessable against the Planning Scheme

Application to Change Development Approval

Application to Change a Compliance Certificate/Permit

Application to Change Development Application

Application to Cancel Development Approval

Refund of Development Application - withdrawn application

Superseded Applications

Survey Plans

Developer Contributions




Vehicle space provided by Council off street

Material Change of Use

Material Change of Use - Business and Commercial Uses

Material Change of Use - Community Uses

Material Change of Use - Industrial Uses

Material Change of Use - Residential Uses

Material Change of Use - Rural Uses

Material Change of Use - Sport and Recreation Uses

Material Change of Use - Other Uses


Operational Works

Operational Works Application

Operational Works Application (associated with RoL for more than 5 lots)
Other Operational Works Application

Construction Monitoring

Landscape Plans

Checking of Landscape Plans associated with Operational Works.

Street Lighting Plans

Checking of Street Lighting Plans associated with Operational Works.

Reassessment of Engineering Plans



Compliance Permit

New Plumbing Works

Minor Plumbing works, modification to Existing Plumbing and Drainage
Minor Plumbing Connection (Class 10a Sheds)
Minor Plumbing Connection (Class 10A Sheds - Unsewered)
Town Sewer Connection (Domestic and Commercial)
Installation of on-site disposal system (in connection with building permit)
Installation of on-site disposal system (as standalone application)
Shop Fit-Out Commercial
Additional/Alterations to plumbing fixtures - existing drainage connection

Existing Plumbing Works

Replacement of land application area
Disconnection from Council Sewer System
Connection to Council sewerage system


On Site Sewerage Facility

Concurrence Agency Advice

Back flow prevention device

Trade Waste

Plumbing Extension of Time

Temporary Plumbing

Trade Waste

Applies to initial application fee.

Rural Addressing

Visitor Information Centre

Tourism Brochure Display Fees

Tourism Brochure Display Fees – additional


No Asbestos or Wet Paint will be accepted at any Landfill or Transfer Station.

Mulch Purchase

  • Mareeba and Kuranda only
  • Maximum 4 cubic metres per sale
  • No commercial sales

No Charge - All Sites

Green Waste Disposal - All Sites

Scrap Metal - All Sites

General Waste Disposal

All Sites

Weighbridge Sites

  • Mareeba and Kuranda only

Deemed Sites

Bulky Metal - All Sites

Tyres - All Sites

Deceased Animals - Mareeba Only

Miscellaneous Charges

Not Accepted



Weighbridge Sites
Deemed Site – No Weighbridge

Regulated Waste




Waste Discharge


New Meter

Service Connection

Water service connection including Meter.

Service Disconnection or Reconnection


Other Services