Online Search Facility - SBRC

  • South Burnett Regional Council
    • Animals – Domestic
      • Impounding – Domestic
        • Release Fee: Cats and Dogs
      • Permits
      • Registration – Dogs
        • Defined Area
        • Non-Defined - Rural Residential
        • Non-Defined Area
        • Breeders and Show Dogs
        • Regulated Dogs
      • Traps
    • Animals – Other
      • Depasture
      • Impounding – Other Domestic Livestock
        • Cattle and Horses
        • Pigs, Goats, Sheep, and Other Domestic Livestock
      • Sale of Impounded Animals
    • Bjelke-Petersen Dam Caravan and Recreation Park
      • Accommodation
        • Standard Cabins (9)
        • 2 Bedroom Family Villas (3)
        • Lakeside Open Plan Villas (2)
        • Powered Sites
        • Unpowered Sites
        • Ensuite Powered Caravan Sites
        • Contractors/Conference Centre
      • Tennis Court Hire
      • Deposits
      • Discounts
      • Special Charges
    • Boondooma Dam Caravan and Recreation Park
      • Accommodation
        • Lakeside Cabins (5)
        • Lookout 2 Bedroom Family Villas (3)
        • Powered Sites
          • Terraces Caravan Park
          • The Lookout Caravan Park
        • Unpowered Sites
        • Bunkhouse Complex
        • Deposits
        • Discounts
        • Special Charges
    • Buildings
      • Class 1
        • Single Dwelling and Relocatable Dwelling
        • Removal or Demolition of Building
        • Relocated Buildings
      • Class 2
      • Class 3
      • Class 4, 5, 6 and 9
      • Class 7 and 8
        • Industrial Buildings
        • Farm Sheds and Farm Buildings
      • Class 10a
        • With Amenities
        • Without Amenities
      • Class 10b
        • Swimming Pools
        • Signs/Satellite Dishes, etc.
        • Temporary Tents Over 500sqm
        • Retaining Walls
        • Budget Accommodation
        • Fire Safety Assessment
        • Disability Access Assessment
        • Swimming Pool Compliance (Fence)
        • Certificate of Classification
      • Miscellaneous Fees
      • Building Fees Refund
    • Caravan Parks
      • Van Sites
        • Short-Term
        • Long-Term
      • Tent Sites
      • Amenities
      • Key Deposit
    • Cemeteries
      • Columbaria and Garden
      • Cemetery Search
      • Reservation Cancellation
      • Transfer of Right of Burial Reservation
    • Electric Vehicle Charging Station
    • Election Signs
    • Environmental Health Licences and Permits
      • Environmental Relevant Activities
        • Registration Certificates
          • Annual Environmental Authority Fees
      • Application for Food Licence
      • Renewal of Licence
      • Home-Based Business
      • Additional Fees
      • Public Health
        • Higher Risk Personal Appearance Service
        • Non-Higher Risk Personal Appearance Service
        • Residential Services
      • Local Law Permits
        • Registration of Catteries or Kennels
        • Temporary Home Permit
        • Display of Goods on Footpaths
        • Caravan Parks/Camping Grounds
        • Public Swimming Pools
        • Standing Stall Site
        • Alfresco Areas
      • Miscellaneous Fees
        • Special Inspection
        • Health Records Search
        • Impounded Vehicle/Goods
        • Overgrown Allotments
      • Testing Water Samples
    • Halls & Facilities
      • Kingaroy 1913 Chambers
      • Kingaroy Town Hall
      • Nanango Cultural Centre
      • Maidenwell Town Hall
      • Murgon Town Hall
      • Proston Railway Building
      • Proston Town Hall
      • Ringsfield House Nanango
      • Wondai Town Hall
    • Key Deposit
    • Library
      • Fines on Overdue Books
      • Internet
      • Lost Books
      • Membership
      • Photocopying and Printing
        • A4
        • A3
      • Other
    • Museum & Visitor Centre
      • Books
    • Pest Management
      • Purchase of Baits
      • Control Notices
      • Wild Dog Scalps
      • Pest Control - Enforcement Notice
    • Planning
      • Engineering Assessment Associated with Developments/Operational Work
        • Operational Work Applications
          • Application Fee
          • Operational Work (Bulk Earthworks Only)
          • Inspection of Construction for Operational Works
      • Planning Searches
      • Preliminary Approval
      • Reconfiguring a Lot Code
      • Reconfiguring a Lot Impact
      • Approving Plan of Survey
      • Material Change of Use Code
      • Material Change of Use Impact
      • Compliance Inspection Material Change of Use
      • Minor Relaxation or Siting Variation
      • Building Work or Operational Work
      • Extending Development Approvals
      • Changes
      • Cancellation
      • Superseded
      • Change Representations
      • Exemption Certificates
      • Miscellaneous Correspondence
      • Combined MCU and ROL Application
      • Refund of Fees
        • A. Application for Material Change of Use, Reconfiguring a Lot or Operational Work
        • B. Lapsed Applications and Approvals, Refused Applications, Development Approvals Not Proposed to be Acted Upon
      • Planning Scheme Documents
      • Staged Development
      • External Consultant/Legal Fees
    • Plumbing
      • Application for Permit
        • Class 1 Buildings – Sewered & Non-Sewered Area
        • Class 10a (eg. Sheds) – Sewered & Non-Sewered Area
        • Commercial and Multi Unit Residential Class 2-9 Buildings (Per Quotation Only)
        • Application for Amended Permit
        • Public Sector Entity Inspections
        • Miscellaneous
      • Backflow Prevention Devices
      • Service Reports Lodgement
      • Refund of Fees
    • Printing
      • Council Documents
      • Facsimile Transmissions
      • Laminating
      • Photocopying and Printing
        • A4
        • A3
      • Plan Printing
    • Rates
    • Rentals
      • Nanango
        • Appin Place
        • Brighthaven
        • Drayton Villas
      • Council Housing
        • Murgon
        • Nanango
    • Right to Information (RTI) and Information Privacy (IP)
    • Roads
      • Banners Across Roads
      • Permits
      • Pipes Across Gazetted Roads
        • Marker Posts (Complete)
        • Complete Repairs
      • Removal Bond
      • Rural Property Number
      • Miscellaneous Fees
    • Saleyards and Dips
      • Transhipping Fees
      • Livestock Selling Fees (Fat & Store Sales)
      • Stud Selling Fees
      • Yard Fee for Cattle
      • Cleaning of Other Areas
      • Removal and Disposal
      • Weighing Fees - Private Sale
      • Inspection Fees – Weekdays
      • Dipping Fees - Private
      • Spraying Fees
      • Hire of Facilities
      • Truck Wash
    • Searches
      • Building Searches
      • Cemetery Search
      • Environmental Health Licences
      • Health Records Search
      • Noxious Weeds – Property Inspection
      • Rate/Property Searches
      • Rate Notice Copies
      • Special Water Meter Reading
      • Planning Searches
      • Plumbing Searches
    • Soil Laboratory Testing
      • Aggregate Sampling
      • CBR Testing
        • CBR (5 Points)
        • CBR (1 Point)
      • Compaction Testing
        • Conventional
          • Dry Density – Moisture Relationship (MDR)
      • Concrete Testing
        • Making Cylinders and Curing (Each Cylinder)
      • Nuclear Meter Testing (NATA Certified)
      • Soil Testing
        • Sieve Analysis
        • Atterberg Limits
      • Discount for Bulk Customers
      • Standard Fees
    • Swimming Pools
      • South Burnett Swimming Pools – Blackbutt, Kingaroy, Murgon, Proston, South Burnett Aquatic Centre and Wondai
      • Blackbutt, Kingaroy, Murgon, Proston and Wondai – Individual Passes
        • 7 Month Swimming Passes
        • 10 and 20 Visit Pass
      • South Burnett Aquatic Centre – 12 Month Season Pass – Purchased Directly from Pool
        • 12 Month Season Pass
    • Waste Services
      • Weighed
        • Commercial Charges
      • Volume Estimate
        • Commercial Charges
      • Free From Charge
    • Wastewater
      • Water and Wastewater Searches
      • Trade Waste - Application Fee
      • Trade Waste - Yearly Renewal Fees
      • Miscellaneous Wastewater Fees
      • Disposal of Septage Waste
    • Water – Sales
      • Blackbutt Bulk Nukku Pipeline Water
      • Purchase of Water
    • Water Supplies
      • Connection Fees (Measurements are Internal Diameter)
      • Other Fees
      • Meter Boxes (PVC)